Are you often worried that you won’t get enough clients to build a successful business?
Do you sometimes feel like a failure when you look at the success other people are having that seems out of your reach?
Do you try those techniques marketers tell you to use, only to wind up crying into your pillow when they don’t work?
My name is Julia Stege, the Magical Marketer, and I know what it’s like to worry about getting clients. Back in the late 90s when I started my business, I made my partner do cold calls to get us clients. I wouldn’t do it myself because I was too shy, and let me tell you, my nervousness made us both a wreck.
I even lost that business partner as a result.
But soon after that, I discovered a way to magically attract rather than target perfect clients. Back then we called it manifesting. When I started taking those steps it was like PURE MAGIC.
I remember wanting to earn five thousand dollars a month. I had been struggling for a few months since my partner left and was even living on a friend’s couch for a while. There was a lot of evidence that I was a failure.
But as soon as I employed these manifesting techniques, I got a call from a friend that resulted in a $5,000 website project. Exactly $5,000! I could not ignore the MAGIC AND SYNCHRONICITY of that.
Since then I’ve earned a consistent 6-figures each year living a Renaissance lifestyle of art, design, acting, music, writing, gardening, and transformational spiritual exploration in the heart of the California wine country.
And I want to show you how I did it at my virtual retreat MANIFEST CLIENTS NOW: How to Use the Power of Universal Laws to Magically Grow Your Business Fast.
I’ve gathered a variety of manifesting tools and resources that you’ll get right away when you register so you can quickly become magical magnets for your true Soul Tribe.
There’s a good reason that “normal” marketing doesn’t work for people like us.
When you are following a spiritual path and you want to attract clients who are aligned with your Soul, you cannot use strategies designed to trick people into buying from you. That’s why I’ve spent over 20 years mastering manifesting and applying Universal Laws to practical client attraction strategies. I am going to share these with you in a fun setting where you can connect with others of like mind and possibly even manifest a client right during the class (it’s happened before!)
How to Use the Power of Universal Laws to Magically Grow Your Business Fast
Wednesday, August 23rd, Noon – 5 pm Pacific Time
Includes the Magical Manifesting Library
Investment Now Just $97.00
This event and library of tools will support you to:
1. CLEAR PAST BLOCKS that have kept you from financial abundance.
2. Experience how to use the UNIVERSAL LAWS OF MANIFESTING to grow your business
3. Discover 6 MAGICAL QUESTIONS that 10’s of thousands of people around the world have used to attract perfect customers quickly… often within 48 hours.
4. Explore INTUITION-BUILDING PRACTICES that eliminate the need to follow others.
5. Learn the same simple steps I’ve used to attract perfect clients who brought me OVER $2 MILLION IN REVENUE, just by being myself.
6. Discover a new paradigm for Magical Marketing that is FUN, FULFILLING & SUSTAINABLE for you.
taking simple actions and the signs start pouring in, like
Someone calls out of the blue with a multi-five figure referral.
They want to know if you’re available!
Thirty people register for your program which is the exact number you wrote in your journal.
You discover that your website is on page one of Google for your key offering.
Your calendar is full with people seeking your expertise.
And as a result of this your pillow is no longer wet with tears, and you can confidently tell that marketing know-it-all that you have inner guidance that works better for you than anything they can show you.
As soon as you register, you will gain instant access to the Magical Manifesting Library, including:
1. UNIVERSAL LAWS FOR MANIFESTING by Christi Corradi ~ Leverage the power of the Universe to manifest your desires and have more impact.
2. OVER 300 MANIFESTING AFFIRMATIONS ~ Raise your client manifesting mojo and cash-attracting vibe.
3. GUIDED MEDITATION: Connecting with Your Guides and Future Perfect Clients in Your Place of Peace by Satya Linda Grace
4. GUIDED MEDITATION: Meditate and Make Money by Daniel J. Hanneman, The Block Buster.
5. MAGICAL MANIFESTING RITUAL by Julie King that you can use whenever you want to amp up your manifesting mojo with the help of the 4 directions
6. CASH INFUSION STRATEGY: How Melinda Got a $4,200 Cash Infusion in 4 Days… including her exact PROMOTIONAL EMAIL CAMPAIGN.
7. SEVEN EASY OFFERS You Can Sell Before You Even Make Them.
8. QUANTUM CLIENT MANIFESTATION: Behind the Scenes on How Carrie Doubled Her Spiritual Coaching Practice in 2 Months
THEN ON WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 23rd, we’ll meet at Noon PT to learn…
magical ways to attract clients that most marketers won’t tell you about.
Often marketers show you very complicated launch strategies that make your brain hurt and don’t really work for you anyway. But because of the scare tactics they use in their marketing, they get you to believe you HAVE to follow their steps or else you will miserably fail.
So frustrating! I know! Most of us fell prey to that old, “look, I’m smarter than you so you should follow what I say” tactic, only to discover time and again it doesn’t work for us.
But now I understand there is a power greater than the brain of a successful internet marketer.
And it lies inside of each and every one of us.
“Julia’s program provides the very, very important guidance of coming from the heart, being authentic, and attracting the PERFECT customers from that. Revolutionary and SO perfectly timed, in terms of where we are in shifting to a different way of existing!”
“Julia, and the system she has created, works. It has moved me, my understanding of myself, and my ability and willingness to stand for what I believe to an entirely new level.”
“Even before my website was launched my client base increased due to the magical methods Julia taught me!”
“Julia’s methodology was the breath of fresh air I needed to get myself back on track to build the business I’m passionate about.And, best of all, those people I was afraid I’d turn away by highlighting my ‘crunchier’ side are actually drawn in and becoming clients.”
“As a result of the course, the information, and using the tools provided, my business is thriving!”
When you register for MANIFEST CLIENTS NOW you will be following your HEART to your most perfect clients, and magically manifesting the business of your DREAMS.
MANIFEST CLIENTS NOW will add a big dose of MAGICAL FAIRY DUST to your client-attraction strategies and a whole tribe of cool people to connect with on your journey.
Join us for this afternoon of fun and magic! You will walk away with a metaphysical toolkit that you can use time and again to attract your most divinely aligned clients online.
Clicking this button will take you to the check out page.
“From taking Julia’s program, I increased my sales by 600%. But what’s even better is that I’ve embodied myself more authentically since working with Julia.”
About Julia
I know what it’s like to run a cutting-edge business that’s not attracting the right people. And I know what it’s like to attract people who are so aligned with my soul that I can hardly wait to talk with them each week.
And isn’t that why you’re marketing online to begin with, to attract the folks who really get you and your value? After all, these are the folks who are willing to pay your fees and become raving fans who refer you business.
When I first started designing brands and websites back in 1997, I attracted some clients online who I was really aligned with. But this was mostly luck.
I didn’t have a clear idea of who I was attracting, what my message was, or even what my offering was. So what happened? I also attracted people who were SO NOT in alignment with me. Like the chewing tobacco company. Yes, and the pseudo-porn company. And no, I didn’t work with them. But they somehow got through my marketing funnel.
What I figured out over the years is how to create authentic online marketing that attracts and engages exactly those people I want to work with, and not the other kind. And I’ve helped hundreds of entrepreneurs like you to do the same.
Allow me to help you finally attract the right people online so you can help the people you were born to serve.