Expand Your Spiritual Business, Live Your Purpose, Attract Your Tribe, and Transform Lives…
Are you trying to grow a business inspired by your Spiritual Path, but are feeling confused about how to succeed?
Have you tried the traditional business and marketing strategies, only to find they don’t work for you?
Do you have multiple talents you want to integrate into your business, but everyone has told you to simplify, create a narrow niche, or dumb it down?
I know how you feel. Over 25 years ago I put up my shingle creating branding and websites for spiritual entrepreneurs, and back then even combining spirituality with a business was considered strange.
I had to figure out every step along the way by myself because pretty much everyone I hired to help me advised me to try to be more normal, stop serving psychics and hippies, and definitely not to use the word ‘magic.’
Don’t you hate it when you pay good money to learn the steps and follow the strategies everyone else is using, only to find that following it requires you to ignore your inner guidance and ditch your dream?
I knew that the world was changing and that soon enough everyone would be building a business that’s in alignment with their spiritual path, because nothing else is truly sustainable.
Have you ever noticed that often people blaze into the online business spotlight only to disappear, never to be heard of again? Whatever they were doing cannot be sustained long term because they were following marketing strategies instead of their Soul.

Imagine doing your business and marketing YOUR WAY and succeeding at attracting divinely aligned clients from around the world. You are so aligned with your purpose that everything just FLOWS.

Imagine the people reaching out to you online are so aligned with you that they never require you to over-explain or convince. They GET you, and feel connected with you before you’ve even met!

Imagine having a spiritually inspired business that allows you to express all of your abilities and talents in ways that transform the lives of your clients better and earn you more income than ever before!

… And you know what’s most magical about this?
You can grow your spiritually inspired business and fulfill your Soul’s purpose at the same time as you are expanding your impact and income!
- No more dividing yourself into tiny niched out compartments that never quite come together or make cohesive sense.
- No more trying to follow normal marketing scripts that don’t work for you.
- No more struggling to figure it all out yourself and taking years.
- No more feeling like a bizarre weirdo whom nobody understands……because you know how to connect directly with the people you were born to serve, and they truly get you and your value.

Align Your Energy, Express Your Essence, Attract Your Tribe, and Expand Your Spiritual Business… YOUR WAY!
Join a new movement of Renaissance people…
… a community of like minded spiritual entrepreneurs from around the world all experimenting on the cutting edge of transformational business…
… combining different skills, modalities, and creative aspects into new high vibration offerings that really make an impact…
… expressing your essence authentically and attracting people who really get you so you can finally fulfill your destiny and thrive.
This 12-month virtual academy is designed to support you to:
- Raise your vibration and align your energy for success on your own terms, in alignment with your Soul’s purpose
- Express your essence through your brand so all your marketing is uniquely you and distinguished from all others in your industry
- Create messaging and content that authentically and ongoingly connects you to your Soul Tribe online
- Ditch the confusion in the online sphere and experience direct guidance from your Soul every step in your business journey
- Build a spiritual business from scratch, or evolve your current business to align with your inner guidance and bring your unique talents to the fore
- Unite all your modalities, offerings, theories, talents, and creative abilities together under one cohesive umbrella brand that sustains you forever
- Put your business online using simple affordable technology that turns your in-person sanctuary into an online oasis where your tribe can connect, learn and thrive
- Meet others on the same path as you so you are never alone in your spiritual entrepreneur journey.
“I had spent literally tens of thousands of dollars on marketing coaches who didn’t get me, and I was about to give up when I met Julia and enrolled in her program. I fell in love as soon as I heard her say, ‘Forget everything you were ever told about marketing.’ What a relief! And the process was amazing. Julia helped me promote my authentic self and in a short time I was able to double my prices, enroll 16 new clients, go from ‘deer in headlights’ to ‘Goddess in spotlight,’ and that’s without even having a website yet!”
“Before working with Julia, I was feeling lost with my brand and message, dealing with the hidden anxiety and stress caused by overthinking what direction to move in. I was at a total standstill in my business. She helped me get out of my head and into my heart to clarify who I wanted to help and what I am here on the planet to help them with. The result restored my confidence, liberated my business and my creative spirit. Now I’m fueled to share my message, call in my ideal clients, and inspired to move forward with my marketing mission. I’m so grateful for the clarity and all the unexpected opportunities that unfolded after working with Julia!”
“For 9 years marketing experts failed to guide me where I wanted to go. Then Julia helped me brand my business so I have way more fun and feel free to be myself. And I’ve grown my business to 7 figures, by being myself!”
“Julia Stege is one of the most gifted marketers I’ve ever had the joy to work with. She is brilliant at helping you uncover your authentic client-attracting message with ease.”
“I hired experts over the last 10 years who failed to help me express the uniqueness of my business. With Julia’s program I was able to share myself in a new way that attracted over $40,000 in business in one week!”
“I really enjoyed and benefited from Julia’s program. She has demonstrated hot to attract an amazing, inspiring tribe of spiritual entrepreneurs. A big takeaway was permission and encouragement to be authentic — which will attract the EXACT people I LOVE doing business with.”
When you register for The New Renaissance Business School, you gain access to the strategies, support, and accountability you need to vision, build and expand your soul-inspired spiritual business.
I have anticipated your every need as a spiritual entrepreneur and included a TON of support, resources, and inspiration. That doesn’t mean you have to consume all of it, or come to every class. It’s there for you when you want or need it. I may coach you to check out a specific resource when you really need it (but not before!) and there will be recordings of every live salon and class!

Join me on this 12-month transformational journey of Soul, creativity and client attraction. Here’s how it works:

12 Monthly Accountability and Calibration Calls
Each month we gather the tribe to get uplifted and back on track with our vision. We will check in with our Soul to get our vision for the month, and then calibrate to that vision. Celebrate all your wins both big and small with the support of your community.
~ Value $2,500.00

12 Monthly New Renaissance Salons
In these monthly gatherings, you will have the opportunity to present pieces of your work for feedback, and to brainstorm your new ideas. Julia will share the most cutting edge ways to vision, align, brand, build and market your spiritual business online. You will connect with others in the group and be inspired to build your business your way, including all your gifts, talents, modalities, creative abilities, and anything else you weren’t previously encouraged to include in your business! This is about birthing a new Renaissance with you at the helm.
~ Value $2,500.00

12 Monthly Get Your Questions Answered Zoom Calls
12 Monthly Q&A Calls where you can ask anything and receive guidance and coaching to break through to your next steps. Don’t allow the little stops along the way to keep you stalled.
~ Value $2,500.00

12 Monthly Soul Wisdom Drawing Circles
Each month I invite art therapist and transformational coach Christi Corradi to come to our community and draw from the Soul. In this supportive group setting, Christi literally draws a picture that contains messages from your highest guidance about what’s in the way, and what can help you move forward.
~ Value $2,500.00

Cutting Edge Processes, Playbooks, Templates and Trainings
In over 20 years working with spiritual entrepreneurs, I have developed a library of tools designed specifically to make your spiritual business journey easier as you develop an online business that is worthy of your Soul. These will be made available to you in your program portal either upon request or to supplement specific trainings in the school.
~ Value $2,000.00

Online Group and Email Access for Your Questions
This is a safe space online where you can meet and connect with others in the school, share your assignments, progress, wins and announcements, and get answers to your most pressing questions, when you need them. And you have email access to Julia when you get stuck.
~ Value $5,000.00

An Opportunity to be Promoted to My List of over 10,000 Spiritual Entrepreneurs
I will be hosting regular events featuring participants in the school that will be promoted to my entire Soul Tribe to offer you experience in planning and executing live online events, and practicing introducing others to your transformational work or creative project.
~ Value $2,000.00

Marketing from the Soul
This 8-part transformational journey shows you how to stop overthinking client-attraction strategies — that don’t work anyway — and start following your Soul to attract your divinely aligned clients online. Each step on your marketing path is taken with both practical and spiritual outcomes in mind. The result is a business that sustains you long term because it fulfills your Soul’s purpose.
~ Value $1,997

Your membership in the school includes a complete Magical Marketing Library of programs, plus an open invitation to all the live programs, classes, workshops and events that I sponsor throughout the year. Some of these include:

Notorious! How to Create Magically Attractive Webinars and Online Events that Grow Your Tribe Your Way. ~Summer 2024
For over 15 years I have been attracting and engaging divinely alighed clients online with Magically Attractive Webinars. These are online trainings that allow me to connect with my tribe, share my genius, and present offers that perfectly align with my clients’ needs. This program will take you through the simple steps to create and promote online events that delight your audience and fill your programs.
~Value $997

Your Vibrational Visual Brand ~ Autumn 2024
Create Imagery that Reflects your Uniqueness, Expresses your Essence, and Attracts your Soul Tribe Online… Even if You’re Not a Designer! I can teach you how to create a unique visual brand that reflects your Soul and attracts your Tribe, even if you, “can’t draw a straight line.”
This program is designed to assist you to easily and quickly create stunning graphics so that you can:
Stand out online among others in your industry
Design a consistent look that your tribe will recognize and remember
Delight your followers and inspire engagement online
~ Value $1,997

High Vibration Offers
Build a suite of programs, products and services that serve your Soul Tribe at the highest level. Present your offers in ways that are irresistible to your ideal clients and help you grow your business.
~ Value $1,997

Create Your Spiritual Website in a Week ~ Autumn 2024
How to Quickly Create (or Recreate) an Authentic Website that Attracts Divinely Aligned Clients Online so that you can
- Be found and recognized by your ideal clients
- Authentically express your unique value
- Provide a professional platform for your tribe to engage with you.
- Includes new AI prompts to get your website done FAST
~ Value $1,497

Your New Renaissance Brand Messaging Program
Finally know what to say when someone asks what you do! Unite your offerings through cohesive messaging that reflects your Soul. Learn how to share your purpose in a way that attracts divinely aligned clients who love all you do. Create marketing that transforms the lives of your tribe as you grow your business. Leave years of struggle behind and complete Your New Renaissance brand.
~ Value $997

Email Magic Virtual Program ~ Instant Delivery to your Portal
Get instant access to 5 easy-to-follow guided videos and playbook that support you to:
- Clear past blocks that have kept you from growing your tribe online.
- Discover magical methods that bring new divinely-aligned leads to you quickly.
- Explore tribe-nurturing practices that make your people fall in love with you.
- Learn how to turn followers into clients by transforming people’s lives.
- Receive valuable email templates that make connecting with your list easy.
~ Value $997

Spiritual Copywriting Secrets ~ Instant Delivery to your Portal
Create Content that Connects You Directly with the Soul of Your Ideal Clients
Learn how to swiftly write authentic content that engages your tribe and inspires them to connect with you. Captivate and engage your ideal clients in a way that gets them dreaming about working with you…
Not because you tricked them or scared them into wanting your stuff, but because your words were so soulful, so authentic, so deeply moving that you touched their hearts and inspired them to trust you.
~ Value $997
- Monthly New Renaissance Business Salons ~ Value $2,500
- Monthly Soul Clarity Circles ~ Value $2,500
- Monthly Accountability and Calibration Celebrations ~ Value $2,500
- Monthly Open Question and Answer Calls ~ Value $2,500
- On Demand Cutting Edge Processes, Playbooks, Templates and Trainings ~ Value $2,000
- An Online Group & Unlimited Email for Q&A ~ Value $5000
- Opportunity to be Promoted to My List of over 10,000 ~ Value $2,000
- Marketing from the Soul ~ Value $2,000
BONUS: Free access to all Magical Marketing programs offered during the year of your participation. ~ Value $6,000
Total Value: $27,000
Yours for just $2,997 Full Pay
or 12 Payments of $297
Everything in Level One PLUS
Monthly Deep-Dive Private Sessions with Julia where you can:
- Clarify your Business Plan so you can grow your biz YOUR WAY…
- Craft your Authentic Tribe-Attracting Message…
- Develop your Freebie Funnel to Grow Your List
- Create your Online Workshops…
- Review your Website and get advice on making it Wildly Attractive!
- Get my help on your Website and/or Email Copy
- Collaboratively Create Stunning Vibrational Visuals for your Marketing
- Or simply get my help privately on anything that’s going on in your business.
Total Value $34,200
Yours for just $5,997 Full Pay
or 12 Payments of $597
Absolutely! This program is designed to help you either start your spiritual business from scratch, or expand the business you’ve already started or been running for a while. Each of the steps are designed to help you connect with your inner guidance and proceed in the direction of your Soul. Therefore, no matter where you are in the journey, this program can help you reach your goals.
I have anticipated all your needs as a budding spiritual entrepreneur and I’ve included a ton of support. That said, you do not have to attend every meeting or training to get benefit from the school. All live trainings, salons, clearings, calibration calls, and Q&A sessions will be recorded, as will the live virtual programs, and will be made available usually within 24 hours. You can go at your own pace and do this school YOUR WAY! You rebel ! ; )
Saying yes to joining the New Renaissance Business School is saying yes to your Soul, and your Soul wants you to succeed. Once you register, the universe will step in to support you in surprising ways. The New Renaissance coaches and I will be there every step of the way to help you get and stay in alignment with your vision, calibrate to your goals, and take successful actions. We are there for you, rooting you on, and having your back as you build your spiritual business YOUR WAY! Of course you need to commit and take regular action. And we’ll hold your hand through it all.
The New Renaissance Business School is designed for spiritually inspired entrepreneurs, healers, mystics, artists and coaches who want their business and marketing to bring in their Soul Tribe and also be in alignment with their Soul’s purpose. It’s for you if:
- you are starting a new business or redefining a business or program you want to be in alignment with your Soul
- You have a variety of modalities, talents, philosophies, products, services, and creative abilities you want to unite under one business (without being told you have to niche it down!)
- you like learning in a group setting, receiving support from others of like mind and heart
- you want to discover ways to express your Soul’s calling online and attract people who are aligned with you
- you have struggled with what to say to clarify what you do in a way that feels right and distinguishes your unique value
- you have an important offering to share with the world that you want to make sure is presented authentically
If this sounds like you, we would love to have you join us!
For more than 20 years I have helped thousands of people clarify and express what’s important to them in ways that attract the right people to them. Like Kate who, after 10 years of failed attempts, took my program and was able to express what she does in such an attractive way that she closed two new clients for over $40K in business. Or like Michelle who increased her online sales by 600%. Or Connie who doubled her practice in 2 months. Being authentic works, and my process will help you finally attract your tribe.
The first live virtual program in our curriculum is Your New Renaissance Brand which takes you through all the steps to define your Message from the Soul and Tribe Attracting Brand.
I feel you! I’ve taken lots of online programs too, and most make me so frustrated I could cry (and sometimes have!). That’s because most marketers use techniques they learned from corporate and are designed to get a sales result without even considering the desires of the Soul. We will be doing things completely differently in the New Renaissance Business School. We will begin at the deepest level of your purpose so that everything you do is in alignment with your Soul. Only when you are this authentic can you attract your true Soul Tribe and expand your spiritual business. This program will show you how.
As long as your account is current (you have paid in full, or you are current on your payment plan) you will get unlimited access to the recordings from all live classes and programs that are included in the school curriculum. As a bonus, you will also receive access to the entire Magical Marketing Library of programs for as long as you are in the program. There will also be a private New Renaissance Business School group to which you will gain unlimited membership, so your comments and questions there will also be accessible.
I want you to be clear about your marketing, and so I make myself available for questions during the live classes. You can also ask your questions on the group posts. Therefore, you can be certain your questions will be answered!
You want to expand your spiritual business but aren’t sure if you’re ready or if the New Renaissance Business School is right for you? Contact me via my form with your specific questions or concerns. I’ll answer asap.
“From taking Julia’s program, I implemented changes to the messaging on my website that increased my sales by 600%. But what’s even better is that I’ve embodied myself more authentically since working with Julia on my brand and website.”
About Julia
I know what it’s like to run a cutting-edge business that’s not attracting the right people. And I know what it’s like to attract people who are so aligned with my soul that I can hardly wait to talk with them each week.
And isn’t that why you’re marketing online to begin with, to attract the folks who really get you and your value? After all, these are the folks who are willing to pay your fees and become raving fans who refer you business.
When I first started designing brands and websites back in 1997, I attracted some clients online who I was really aligned with. But this was mostly luck.
I didn’t have a clear idea of who I was attracting, what my message was, or even what my offering was. So what happened? I also attracted people who were SO NOT in alignment with me. Like the chewing tobacco company. Yes, and the pseudo-porn company. And no, I didn’t work with them. But they somehow got through my marketing funnel.
What I figured out over the years is how to create an authentic online marketing funnel that attracts and engages exactly those people I want to work with, and not the other kind. And I’ve helped hundreds of entrepreneurs like you to do the same. Now I’m opening the doors to my weekly group mastermind so you can connect with others of like mind and heart and get the support you need to create your wildly attractive client-attracting online marketing platform.
Allow me and your Attraction Community to help you finally attract the right people online so you can create your own revolution.