My website is authentically “me” in my heart and soul.

I moved into a newer, larger space because my business expanded so quickly!
“I have completed three of Julia Stege’s online teleclasses. Julia guided me through the processes where I became clear that I want to be a health coach instead of the MLM business I was doing, and started attracting contacts, ideas, products, teachers, and more into my life.
Several months later, I moved into a newer, larger space because my business expanded so quickly with my ‘perfect customers’, my daughter has moved home to work with me (my dream come true), I am adding new services and products to better serve my customers, people are very excited about and open to what I am offering, and I am making money and having the best time I have ever had at my work.
Julia has a special knack for leading the teleclasses, drawing out of each participant exactly what she/he authentically wants to express, and then directing us to follow through to create what we want. These classes are powerful.”
I’m attracting hundreds of new visitors to my site and got 6 new clients the first month!
“When I came to Julia, my exiting website needed more than just a “face lift”. I needed someone who could help me clearly reflect my personality and passion for my work though my brand and website.
Through her unique website development process Julia helped me capture just the right tone, look and feel to speak authentically and attract my tribe. I am so happy my new website is now a “stand out” among the sea of other ho-hum sites on the web.
After launching my beautiful new website I started attracting hundreds of new visitors to my site daily, I gained over 100 new opt in’s and 6 new clients in the first thirty days! Thanks Julia for helping me take my business to the next step!”
I have a clearly articulated brand that I’m proud of!
“Julia’s Soul Tribe methodology was the breath of fresh air I needed to get myself back on track to build the business I’m passionate about. She helped me have the courage to turn away from the advice I was getting to play it safe and build my business by marketing my corporate experience and down playing what I really care about, my passion for using nature connection and somatics to help people transform. Through the Magical Marketing branding process, I was able to turn vague notions that I wasn’t confident in into a clearly articulated brand strategy, including a mission statement, a well defined customer base, and a brand aesthetic that I’m really proud of. And, best of all, those people I was afraid I’d turn away by highlighting my crunchier side are actually drawn in and becoming clients.”
Julia helped move me and what I stand for to an entirely new level.

Julia brought my vision to life!
“Julia has helped me create branding twice. Both times I was impressed with how well she listened to what I wanted to create. Julia was able to lead through a process that allowed me to tap into an energy and express from a place deep within that I was unable to express initially. With a combination of compassion intuition, understanding, and creative energy, Julia helped me to clarify what I wanted to express in a program that I was creating and brought this vision to life with her own artwork, and now I am thrilled to use the logo and banner she created for Inspired Connexions. She also lent her creative talents to helping me settle into a color scheme for the site. I love working with Julia. The love in her heart is expressed through her art work and leading her clients through a process that helps them to share their vision with the world authentically. She is professional, attentive and patient, reworking the artistic details until you are not just satisfied, you are ecstatic! Thank you Julia, love! Yours in gratitude.”
I Love My Logo and Tagline!
“Julia was a gift for my business and a pleasure to work with. She not only created the perfect logo for my business that I am proud to share and represent me, but her branding skills were incredibly powerful and effective. In less than two hours I walked away with a tagline and deep insights into my purpose and business. Very pleased with my experience with Julia and I would definitely work with her again.”
Julia’s classes are part inspiration, part practical advice, and all around good mojo!
“Julia’s workshop was just what I needed for getting going in my small business. It was part inspiration, part practical advice, and all around good mojo. Julia teaches the Law of Attraction, AND IT WORKS. It surprised the heck out of me. I came to Julia expecting a workshop on designs and advertising and the like, but what I got was much more. I am indebted to her for her opening my eyes to how sychronicities can and should be pursued as a practical business strategy. I took Julia’s class at the same time as an Intro to Marketing class at the university. I prefered Julia’s class much more because of the small group atmosphere and the excitement of seeing myself and others beginning to succeed through Julia’s strategies. I think that anyone who thinks that their lifework should involve more than just money making should take Julia’s class to learn to pursue their real goals and make money at the same time.”
Julia is truly gifted and consistently excels as an Intuitive Branding Artist and Website Designer.
“Julia is an artist/alchemist who magically and masterfully transforms concepts into beautiful websites, blog sites, business cards…that perfectly reflect the soul essence of her client and her client’s work. Using her Branding from the Heart, Client Attraction Tools and Social Networking Expertise, she guides and supports her clients to clearly communicate their message and service with authenticity, so that they consistently attract and maintain their ideal clients. Clearly I value, enjoy and highly recommend Julia. She’s a multi-talented magician, who will bring out the essence of you and your message—and she’s so much fun to work with too!” ~
Julia helped me discover my company name!
“When I took Branding from the HeartTM, I had recently been fired, and was beginning to focus on my true passion, which is photography. I have a marketing background, but I wanted to get up to speed. I had been trying to develop a name for my business for over a year, and hadn’t come up with anything that really worked.
In the first session of the course, we shared our life purpose. Mine is “to facilitate the manifestation of hearts desires.” Almost immediately, Julia said “Why not name your business Hearts Desire Photography?” My heart leaped, and I knew that was the name! Getting in touch with our life purpose seemed to be a natural tie in to our business mission and our perfect customers. I know now why Julia stressed that so much. Her generosity, knowledge, skill, vulnerability, and the humorous way in which she shared her own stories gave me the incentive to want to promote her work to others. I feel more confident about being able to go forward with my business, while utilizing new marketing ideas and other resources I received from this course. I feel fortunate to have been guided to Julia’s work, and appreciate the meaning it has had in my life at this time. I can’t recommend her enough!
I learned a new way to think about marketing my business from who I really AM, expressing my passion
In Julia’s workshops, I learn new ways to think about marketing my business from who I really AM, expressing my passion. I was opened to a wealth of possibilities for reaching my market, locally and as broadly as I’m interested in reaching. I explored creative ways to discover who I am appealing to and what appeals to me. (The collages made such an impact!) Recognizing and appreciating synchronicities with a group of like-minded people, sharing possibilities with them, and networking with them was great. Now with our group I have ongoing support and a kind of “home place” to return to keep on track and keep going. (Julia — Thank you for all your coaching expertise and precise input. Sooooo helpful and appreciated!)