Do you have a business investment,
bill or credit card you want to pay off?
Is there a pending emergency you need to fund?
Or maybe you just want some extra cash for fun?
Money is one of those things that can trigger us when it seems to be in short supply. But, I’ve learned the hard way that worrying about money is not the best way to attract it. In fact, there are much easier, faster, and more effective ways to create a Quantum Cash Infusion.
Some ways you can do in a day.
Some you can do in an hour!
And I’m going to show you how.
My name is Julia Stege and over the past 20 years, I have studied multiple ways of manifesting money fast because whenever I had cash flow issues, I wanted to learn easy, swift solutions!
I’ve mastered methods that are metaphysical, and methods that are practical, and I’ve combined them in a unique way that will help you leverage your money making strategy and receive the inflow you desire.
Like when I attracted exactly $5,000 after I decided I wanted a $5,000/month income…
…Or when a simple product creation strategy brought me $1,500 extra 3 months in a row…
…Or when my client Melinda attracted $4,200 in 4 days just by emailing her client list.

What if you could turn on your money making mojo at the flip of a magical switch?
What if you could attract cash quickly so you could pay off debts or invest in your business?
What if you knew exactly how to infuse your bank account with an extra $500, $1000, or even $10,000 a month? Anytime you want?
Come and learn these simple yet powerful strategies in an afternoon of metaphysical and practical fun on Saturday, June 18th at Quantum Cash Infusion: Manifest Money Whenever You Want

During this ½ day virtual retreat, you will:
- Create the spiritual foundation for manifesting more money.
- Discover 7 easy products and services you can sell before you even create them
- Clear past blocks that have kept you from financial abundance.
- Connect with your inner money genie to align you with all your money goals.
- Learn magical questions that bring perfect customers to you quickly.
- Receive the 4-day sale strategy my client Melinda used to attract $4,200 in less than a week, including the exact emails we used.
- Meet other cool entrepreneurs in a setting of acceptance and inspiration
“Julia’s program provides the very, very important guidance of coming from the heart, being authentic, and attracting the PERFECT customers from that. Revolutionary and SO perfectly timed, in terms of where we are in shifting to a different way of existing!”
“Even before my website was launched my client base increased due to the magical methods Julia taught me!”
“Julia, and the system she has created, works. It has moved me, my understanding of myself, and my ability and willingness to stand for what I believe to an entirely new level.”
“Julia’s methodology was the breath of fresh air I needed to get myself back on track to build the business I’m passionate about.And, best of all, those people I was afraid I’d turn away by highlighting my ‘crunchier’ side are actually drawn in and becoming clients.”
“As a result of the course, the information, and using the tools provided, my business is thriving!”

An email that took you minutes to write brings you $1,000 in one day!
Someone calls out of the blue with a perfect client referral. They want to know if you’re available!
Fifty people register for your program, which is the exact number you wrote in your journal.
And as a result of this you are no longer waking up in the middle of the night with a pit of fear in your gut wondering how you are going to explain that recent business investment to your husband because you can confidently tell him, “it’s already paid off!”
Quantum Cash Infusion is a Live Zoom Gathering on at 11:30 AM PT on Saturday, June 18th that includes:
- Successful Cash Infusion Strategies for closing new and existing clients during slow times in your business
- Support to Clarify Your Fastest Path to Cash
- Manifesting Methods that Make You into a Money Magnet
- Connecting with other like-minded Soulpreneurs
Also receive these bonuses in your Magical Marketing Program Portal:
- 7 Easy Offers you can sell before you even create them
- A 4-Day Irresistible Sale Melinda used to manifest $4,200
- Guided Meditations to help you get into the money manifesting zone.
- Money Codes training on Why Prospects say, “No,” and how to get More Yesses.
And after the playshop you will receive Unlimited Access to Class Recordings.
All for just $47.

Join us for this afternoon of fun and magic! You will walk away with practical and magical tools that you can use time and again to create your own Quantum Cash Infusion on demand.
Clicking this button will take you to the check out page.
Registration Closes Midnight on June 16, 2022 to give us time to prepare for the live event on June 18th at 11:30 am Pacific.
“From taking Julia’s program, I increased my sales by 600%. But what’s even better is that I’ve embodied myself more authentically since working with Julia.”
About Julia
I know what it’s like to run a cutting-edge business that’s not attracting the right people. And I know what it’s like to attract people who are so aligned with my soul that I can hardly wait to talk with them each week.
And isn’t that why you’re marketing online to begin with, to attract the folks who really get you and your value? After all, these are the folks who are willing to pay your fees and become raving fans who refer you business.
When I first started designing brands and websites back in 1997, I attracted some clients online who I was really aligned with. But this was mostly luck.
I didn’t have a clear idea of who I was attracting, what my message was, or even what my offering was. So what happened? I also attracted people who were SO NOT in alignment with me. Like the chewing tobacco company. Yes, and the pseudo-porn company. And no, I didn’t work with them. But they somehow got through my marketing funnel.
What I figured out over the years is how to create an authentic online marketing funnel that attracts and engages exactly those people I want to work with, and not the other kind. And I’ve helped hundreds of entrepreneurs like you to do the same. Now I’m opening the doors to my weekly group mastermind so you can connect with others of like mind and heart and get the support you need to create your wildly attractive client-attracting online marketing platform.
Allow me and your Attraction Community to help you finally attract the right people online so you can create your own revolution.