Welcome to the Soul Aligned Client Quest!
Please watch this short video to get the most out of the Soul Aligned Client Quest with me, Julia Stege, the Magical Marketer. Looking forward to our magical journey together!
Let the Magic Begin!
It’s my deepest pleasure to connect with you and help you attract the exact right people to your amazing, transformational business.
The event will run from Monday, August 23rd – Friday, August 27th, 2021 with short daily soulful activities that make you into a magical magnet for your divinely aligned Soul Tribe. You can do these activities anytime during your day that works for you.
Each day there will be prizes for participating, and I’ll be showing up on Facebook Lives to offer client attraction tips and answering your questions.
Here is what you can do RIGHT NOW
to get started on your client attraction journey:
Whitelist the email Julia@Magical-Marketing.com to make sure you get all the daily emails.
Also, note that the Quest emails will have [SACQ] in the subject.
CLICK HERE to join “Spiritual Entrepreneur Soul Client Attraction Collective” on Facebook- our community for this quest.
This will be the place to connect with me and other participants, receive support, ask questions, share your progress, and qualify for the daily prizes.
MARK YOUR CALENDAR for the Magical Celebration Call on Friday, August 27th at 11:00 am Pacific / 2:00 pm Eastern.
We will be creating a magical vortex where our dreams come true while we celebrate attracting our divinely aligned clients online!
Zoom details will be sent closer to the event.
MARK YOUR CALENDAR for the Soul Client Attraction Playshop on Tuesday, August 31st at 2:30 pm Pacific / 5:30 pm Eastern where I will share 3 reasons why marketing the ‘normal’ way can sabotage your heart-based business and 8 steps to getting your Spiritual Business online.
If you’re aching to attract the right people online, you don’t want to miss this!
When you put it all together the Soul Aligned Client Quest
is like alchemical rocket fuel for your business, and your life!
Here is how the Quest will work…
Starting Monday, August 23rd, each day you will receive a link to a short video with your quest for that day.
You have all day to do this in your perfect timing.
You will be asked to share your answer to the Question of the Day in the “Spiritual Entrepreneur Soul Client Attraction Collective” Facebook Group.
Each day I’ll have a different post clearly marked with “Day 1”, “Day 2” and so on.
Make sure to post by 10 pm Pacific Time each day to qualify for the daily prizes!
When you take part in all 5 of the daily challenges you will also have a chance to win the GRAND PRIZE valued at $2,000! If you have any questions, please reply to any of the emails you receive from me, or you can post your question in the Facebook Group Questions Post HERE.
I am thrilled to be supporting you to become a magical magnet to your Divinely Aligned Soul Tribe!
Looking forward to seeing you in the group.
Go forth and attract!

Julia Stege, the Magical Marketer