Easily and quickly create a beautiful,
authentic, tribe-attracting website in a week, even if you’re not a techie or a designer!
Do you hide your website because it embarrasses you?
Have you spent months, even years, trying to get your website working, but it’s STILL not attracting or engaging the right people… your divinely aligned clients?
Are you afraid that making your site an authentic representation of your uniqueness will take too long, or be too hard, so why even try?

There’s still hope! I promise you are not the only one who has this problem and it’s easier to solve than you think!
As a spiritual entrepreneur, it’s important for your website to forward your purpose in the world, but most of the website experts don’t have a clue how to help you create one that is true to your authentic style and message.
Imagine what it would be like if you could easily create your own website that:
- represents you beautifully and expresses your unique value so your tribe doesn’t mistake you for everybody else
- attracts your ideal audience and engages them authentically so your website works for you while you sleep
- positions your offerings so that it’s clear what you want your website visitors to do, and makes desired actions attractive
- inspires potential clients to reach out to you so you can grow your business
- is easy for you to update and revise because you created it yourself… in just one week!
I promise that you can… and I’ll show you how to create one in record time in my fast ‘n easy online intensive… even if you’re not a designer!

Quickly Create (or Recreate) an Authentic Website that Attracts Divinely Aligned Clients Online So You Can:
- Be found and recognized by your ideal clients
- Authentically express your unique value
- Provide a professional platform for your tribe to engage with you.

My name is Julia Stege, the Magical Marketer, and when I first started creating websites back in the 90s, I thought my job was to create beautiful designs for folks and that they would have everything else handled. Boy was I wrong about that!
What I discovered very quickly was that nobody I spoke with had any clue how to get me what I needed to make their website not only beautiful, but effective at attracting and engaging their ideal clients.
That’s why I’m offering Create Your Spiritual Website in a Week, to support you by making the process of launching your Wildly Attractive Website simpler, easier and faster to implement, and I’m no longer keeping it just for my high-end website clients.
I’ve designed the program so that even if you’re not a techie you can have your Wildly Attractive Website ready to attract and engage your ideal clients before the end of the year!

Let your Soul guide you smoothly to a website that truly represents you and attracts your tribe.
Create Your Spiritual Website in a Week is a transformational intensive that shows you how to make your website wildly attractive to the right people so you can authentically grow your business online.

As soon as you registered, you got access to all the short, actionable website trainings in your program library. We recommend that you go through as many of the trainings as you can before the live classes begin. This will help you to get further on your website creation journey and have specific questions during our live classes.
Module 1: Your Website Vision and Plan for Sustainable Client Attraction
Create a vision for your Wildly Attractive Website that inspires you and sustainably energizes your creative process. Learn simple AI prompts that help you create a simple plan that supports you to swiftly optimize your website for long term results and ongoing client attraction.
Module 2: Magical Website Tools that Support Your Online Spiritual Business
Discover the perfect tools that do all the heavy lifting of connecting and following up with your site visitors. Easily sort through myriad options to swiftly choose the platforms, software, and elements you need for your website, while ignoring ‘shiny objects’ and ‘the latest thing.’ Design structures that support you to easily conduct business online. Discover new AI tools that help you create your site faster.
Module 3: Identify Your Divinely Aligned Website Visitors
Determine who your ideal website visitors will be and what key needs of theirs you will address through your website. Develop authentic strategies for deeply connecting with your tribe, inspiring them to interact with you and take desired actions on your website. Use AI to help you create ideal customer avatars that will populate your website copy with engaging descriptions.
Module 4: Writing Copy that Attracts and Inspires the Right People
Learn how to “break the ice” with your ideal clients by piquing their interest and guiding them into an ongoing conversation online. Address their core needs and position yourself as the ideal solution to their problems, wants and desires. Learn to inspire action on each page of your website. Discover how to use AI to write all your website copy in minutes so you spend your time refining instead of staring at a blank page.
Module 5: Keys to Making Your Site Beautiful
Learn simple strategies for creating beautiful, consistent graphics for your website and social media. Become recognizable online and attract your tribe with your unique visual aesthetic. Select the right theme to reflect your style, and learn how to avoid spacing foibles that can ruin the visual effect of your website. Discover AI tools that illustrate anything you can imagine.
Module 6: Website Production Secrets for Keeping it Simple
Learn how to produce your website with ease and grace while keeping it simple. Discover the Landing Page, Business Brochure Site, and “Call Me” Site strategies that will work for you. Watch as Julia creates a brochure site with a simple AI website development tool anyone can learn to use.
Module 7: Site Launch Strategies for Spiritual Entrepreneurs
Create a successful Website Launch that attracts and engages your Soul Tribe online. Create a sustainable marketing plan to continuously drawn new potential clients to your website. Learn fun and fruitful list building strategies. Discover ways to get AI to make your marketing easier.
We meet live on December 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 2024 from 12 Noon – 2 pm Pacific Time
During these sessions I will be demonstrating how to use AI to get your website done quickly, and I will be answering questions and helping you move through the modules and get your site done!

Fast Action BONUS for FIRST 10:
Private Website Review Consultation with Julia
Valued at $1,000
The first 10 people who register will receive a private consultation with Julia where she will review your Spiritual Website page by page and offer feedback on how to make your site more wildly attractive to your tribe, and more effective at converting clients. This session can take place any time after the program is over.
BONUS: Extensive Canva Demo Videos
These video demonstrations will guide you step by step to create the graphics you need for your brand and website. I have included demonstrations by non-designers as well as myself to show that you don’t have to be a professional to get professional results.
Value $500

BONUS: Copywriting Examples & Templates
You will receive Copywriting Examples, Templates and AI Prompts to assist you to write your website copy in minutes instead of hours!
Value $500

I totally get it. Pretty much everyone I speak with has had some kind of website nightmare that made them want to throw in the towel on internet marketing completely. And I can understand that.
In all these years … decades really … of making websites I have seen everything, every kind of terrible disappointment you can imagine. But the reason these nightmares occur is because nobody showed these folks how to swiftly and effortlessly create (or update) their website in a way that is authentic and effective.
So how do I know my steps will work for you? Because my steps are designed to tap into your own intuitive knowing ~ that part of you that has been at the root of all your success ~ so that the resulting website is an authentic representation of you … not just a boring old template nobody wants to look at, much less read!
I will not, I repeat NOT, make things so complicated that you give up and pay me to do it for you (though we do have a way to let us do it for you!) You’ve been through enough already!
INSTEAD I will take you through short, easy steps you can do in minutes so that in record time your website will shine like a beacon to your ideal clients online.
Stop letting your website be a couch potato and start attracting your Soul Tribe online.
“I had spent literally tens of thousands of dollars on marketing coaches who didn’t get me, and I was about to give up when I met Julia and I fell in love as soon as I heard her say, ‘Forget everything you were ever told about marketing.’ What a relief! And the process was amazing. Julia helped me promote my authentic self and in a short time I was able to double my prices, enroll 16 new clients, go from ‘deer in headlights’ to ‘Goddess in Spotlight,’ online.”
“For 9 years marketing experts failed to guide me where I wanted to go. Then Julia helped me express my personality in my business so I have way more fun and feel free to be myself. And I’ve grown my business to 7 figures, authentically!”
“Julia Stege is one of the most gifted marketers I’ve ever had the joy to work with. She is brilliant at helping you uncover your message and speak it to your audience through your website.”
“I hired experts over the last 10 years who failed to help me express the uniqueness of my business. With Julia’s program I was able to share myself in a new way that attracted over $40,000 in business in one week!”
“I really enjoyed and benefited from Julia’s program. A big takeaway was permission and encouragement to be authentic — which will attract the EXACT people I LOVE doing business with.”
When you register for Spiritual Website in a Week, you gain access to the strategies, support, and accountability you need to get your mission out to the world through your own platform so you can and have the impact you were born to make.

December 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 2024 at Noon – 2pm Pacific (3pm – 5pm ET)
7 Pre-Recorded Spiritual Website Trainings so You Know How to Attract Your Soul Tribe Online
~ Value $3,500
5 2-Hour Live Group Creativity Labs with Q&A to Support You as You Create Your Site
~ Value $2,500
Private Facebook Group for Questions and Connection
~ Value $500
Bonus Videos: Creating Vibrational Visuals on Canva
~ Value $500
Bonus Copywriting Examples, Templates, and AI Prompts
~ Value $500
BONUS: A Private Spiritual Website Review Session with Julia to ensure a successful launch
~ Value $1,000
Click Button for Financing Options Starting at $52. Available Upon Qualification
What is 'Create Your Spiritual Website in a Week' in a nutshell?
Create Your Spiritual Website in a Week is a week-long intensive where you get guided step-by-simple-step to create your authentic tribe-attracting platform. We will forgo all the complicated nonesense and get you launched and ready to grow your spiritual business onine.
Will this work for me if I'm not a techie?
This program is designed to support you no matter what your level of tech-ability is. I will guide you to understand what tools are best for you and leave the confusing stuff you don’t need behind. So yes, you can succeed in this program even if you are a bit tech-phobic! In fact it’s THE place to discover what will work FOR YOU.
What if I can't attend some of the classes?
You will gain access to the trainings instantly upon registration so you can learn all the steps on your own. The live classes are there to answer your questions and get over any humps along the way. If you have to miss a class or several, no worries. You can ask questions of me directly via email or in the Facebook group. And the replays will be posted in our Kajabi portal instantly after each class is over.
Will my access to the program materials ever end?
You will have a minimum of one year to consume the trainings included in this program.
Who is this program for?
This program is designed for spiritual businesswomen and conscious entrepreneurs who want their website to authentically bring in their Soul Tribe.
It’s for you if:
- You are starting a new business or updating a current business that you want to promote online
- You want your website to be a professional representation of your business but you want it to be authentic, too
- You have struggled with updating your website yourself and are tired of waiting for your VA or web guy to make your requested updates
- you have an important offering to share with the world that you want to make sure is presented authentically
- you like learning in a group setting, receiving support from others of like mind and heart
What kinds of results do your clients acheive?
“For 9 years marketing experts failed to guide me where I wanted to go. Then Julia helped me brand my business so I have way more fun and feel free to be myself. And I’ve grown my business to 7 figures, authentically!” — Tammy Lane, Facebook Faucet
See more testimonials at https://magical-marketing.com/testimonials/
i've tried lot's of online marketing strategies before and taken programs that didn't work. how is this different?
I feel you! I’ve taken lots of online programs too, and most make me so frustrated I could cry (and sometimes have!). That’s because most marketers use techniques that are designed to get a result without even considering the desires of the Soul. This program begins with an inquiry of what you want your website to be about so that everything you do on your site is in alignment with your Soul. Only when you are this authentic can you attract your true Soul Tribe. This program will show you how.
Is there a guarantee?
While due to the intensive nature of this program we don’t offer any refunds, if you watch all the modules, do all the assignments, come to classes and/or participate in the Facebook Group to get your questions answered, and you don’t feel you got the promised results, then I will connect with you personally to help you have a breakthrough in your Spiritual Website so you can confidently attract your Soul Tribe online.
I've been in programs before where my questions weren't answered. Can I be certain you will call on me?
I want you to be clear about your marketing, and so I make myself available for questions during the live classes. You can also ask your questions on the Facebook Group posts. Therefore you can be certain your questions will be answered!
Financing Options Starting at $52/Month
“From taking Julia’s program, I implemented changes to the messaging on my website that increased my sales by 600%. But what’s even better is that I’ve embodied myself more authentically since working with Julia on my brand and website.”
About Julia
I know what it’s like to run a cutting-edge business that’s not attracting the right people. And I know what it’s like to attract people who are so aligned with my soul that I can hardly wait to talk with them each week.
And isn’t that why you’re marketing online to begin with, to attract the folks who really get you and your value? After all, these are the folks who are willing to pay your fees and become raving fans who refer you business.
When I first started designing brands and websites back in 1997, I attracted some clients online who I was really aligned with. But this was mostly luck.
I didn’t have a clear idea of who I was attracting, what my message was, or even what my offering was. So what happened? I also attracted people who were SO NOT in alignment with me. Like the chewing tobacco company. Yes, and the pseudo-porn company. And no, I didn’t work with them. But they somehow got through my marketing funnel.
What I figured out over the years is how to create an authentic online marketing funnel that attracts and engages exactly those people I want to work with, and not the other kind. And I’ve helped hundreds of entrepreneurs like you to do the same. Now I’m opening the doors to my weekly group mastermind so you can connect with others of like mind and heart and get the support you need to create your wildly attractive client-attracting online marketing platform.
Allow me and your Attraction Community to help you finally attract the right people online so you can create your own revolution.
Still Have Questions? Let’s Talk.
I’d be happy to connect with you and answer any questions you still have that this page hasn’t answered, and help you determine if this program is for you.