Do you have a great idea or an existing cool business but you don’t know what to name it?

Are you stuck on creating tribe-attracting titles and taglines that really speak to the results you offer?

And come to think of it, wouldn’t it be cool to have a nickname that reveals your soul, unites your offerings cohesively, and helps you stand out in a crowd?


My name is Julia Stege, the Magical Marketer (yup, that’s my nickname!) and for over 20 years I’ve been helping spiritual entrepreneurs and Renaissance people to discover the words that express their essence and attract their true Soul Tribe online.

Over that time, I’ve learned all the branding and marketing strategies from the big name gurus, but often those strategies don’t work for me and my clients. That’s because we are different from the mainstream.

And when you follow the traditional ‘niche’ marketing strategies they teach, often the core essence of your offering is left out and then it becomes almost impossible to attract the right people, the ones who get you and value your amazing gifts.

Luckily after decades of supporting transformational coaches, holistic healers and heart-centered counselors to express their purpose through their branding and websites, I’ve discovered a different, more soulful approach to attracting your tribe.


And it begins with the words you use.


    What if you knew what words would magically attract your Soul Tribe to you online?

    What if you could come up with a business name and that feels like you’re sharing your purpose whenever you say it… because it is!

    And what if your name could be so true to your essence that it cohesively unites all your offerings… even the strange side gigs you keep wondering how to integrate?

    Add to that the ability to come up with expressive titles and taglines that cause your tribe to crave your programs, services and workshops… over and over and over!

    And the best part?

    You know that your words come from the heart – not some snappy phrases from that “101 great subject lines” template everyone uses – and that they’ll resonate with the right people, the ones who really get you and your value.

    And they’re the people who are more likely to love everything you are up to.

    If this sounds like a dream come true then I want to invite you to my upcoming half-day virtual playshop: “What Cha Gonna Call It? Create Names, Titles and Taglines that Attract Your Soul Tribe Online” ~ Offered at just $97

    Our live workshop will convene Tuesday, March 29th at 11 am – 3 pm Pacific Time.

    … where cutting-edge spiritual entrepreneurs will gather to:

    • Explore a magical method to discover the keywords that will magnetize your Soul Tribe and awaken them to the fact YOU are who they are seeking
    • Learn my ‘Brand Channeling’ process for creating deeply expressive names and titles, even with your eyes closed!
    • Create headlines that speak to the soul of your ideal clients, reveal the essence of your work, and unite different offerings cohesively.
    • Design a unique nickname that sets you apart from the crowd.

    This special playshop is not about squeezing yourself into a tiny niche, or interviewing thousands of people to find out what they think or what words they like, nor is it about filling out a pre-fab template that makes you sound like everyone else.

    It’s about discovering your own Magical Words that reflect your authentic self and draw the right people to you.


    “Julia helped me promote my authentic self and in a short time I was able to double my prices, enroll 16 new clients, go from ‘deer in headlights’ to ‘Goddess in spotlight,’ and that’s without even having a website yet!” Kate Fotopolous, Goddess Girls Network

    Kate Fotopolous

    Astrologer, Founder Goddess Girlfriends Network

    “Even before my website was launched my client base increased due to the magical methods Julia taught me!”

    Carol Morrison

    Spiritual Coach

    “Julia Stege is one of the most gifted marketers I’ve ever had the joy to work with. She is brilliant at helping you uncover your message and speak it to your audience with ease.” 

    Michelle Manning

    Michelle Manning International

    “I hired experts over the last 10 years who failed to help me express the uniqueness of my business. With Julia’s program I was able to share myself in a new way that attracted over $40,000 in business in one week!”

    Kate Hellmers

    Strategic Executive Business Expert

    “As a result of the course, the information, and using the tools provided, my business is thriving!”

    Shannon Van Enger

    Virtual Assistant


    What Cha Gonna Call It is a Live Zoom Gathering on at 11:00 AM PT on Tuesday, March 29th that includes:

    • WHAT CHA GONNA CALL IT? Class Playbook to guide you through all the exercises we’ll be exploring during the class
    • Brand Channeling Meditation to help you discover your own unique Magical Words
    • 4 Hour Live Zoom Gathering on Tuesday, March 29th at 11 am PT with a presentation on how to consciously use the power of Strategic Attraction in your marketing, a Guided Magical Word Discovery Process, my soulful Brand Channeling Method to create names, titles, taglines and nicknames, PLUS 5 Steps to Create Your New Renaissance Brand to unite all your offerings cohesively. And you will get to network, share and get feedback with other like-minded Soulpreneurs.
    • Unlimited Access to Live Zoom Gathering Video Replay


    Instant Access to How to Unite Your Offerings Under One Umbrella Brand presentation… to get a head start on what we’ll be doing at the playshop!

    A digital copy of my book Branding from the Heart: How to Share Your Purpose through Marketing that Attracts Your Tribe and Inspires a Revolution

    Instant access to The Soul Aligned Client Quest to assist you to begin using your Magical Words online in ways that magnetize your tribe.

    All for just $97

    Want this and private time with me at 60% off?

    Register for the VIP option and receive 60% off the investment for a full 60 minute private Brand Channeling Session with me.

    During our session we can:

    • Review your keywords for resonance
    • Brainstorm name ideas
    • Check your title and tagline ideas for alignment with your purpose
    • Answer your top of mind branding questions

    VIP Option $297 (includes playshop registration and private session.)


    Join us for this afternoon of fun and magic! You will walk away with practical and magical tools that you can use time and again to create your own tribe-attracting Names, Titles, and Taglines on demand.

    Clicking this button will take you to the check out page. Includes the live playshop and bonuses.

    This option includes the live playshop and bonuses, PLUS a private Brand Channeling Session with Julia to clarify your names, titles and taglines. Save 60% off the regular investment for this session.

    Registration Closes Midnight on March 27, 2022 to give us time to prepare for the live event on Tuesday, March 29th at 11 am Pacific.








    “From taking Julia’s program, I increased my sales by 600%. But what’s even better is that I’ve embodied myself more authentically since working with Julia.”

    Michelle Peticolas

    Grief Counselor

    “When I entered Julia’s program, I had no idea of the extensive depth and breadth of her offering. Through the rich guidance she gave, I clarified (and thus attracted) my ideal clients, re-connected to my true brand name, and created beautiful promotional communications. Magical Marketing indeed!”
    Marian Head

    Transformational Coach

    About Julia


    I know what it’s like to run a cutting-edge business that’s not attracting the right people. And I know what it’s like to attract people who are so aligned with my soul that I can hardly wait to talk with them each week.

    And isn’t that why you’re marketing online to begin with, to attract the folks who really get you and your value? After all, these are the folks who are willing to pay your fees and become raving fans who refer you business. 

    When I first started designing brands and websites back in 1997, I attracted some clients online who I was really aligned with. But this was mostly luck. 

    I didn’t have a clear idea of who I was attracting, what my message was, or even what my offering was. So what happened? I also attracted people who were SO NOT in alignment with me. Like the chewing tobacco company. Yes, and the pseudo-porn company. And no, I didn’t work with them. But they somehow got through my marketing funnel.

    What I figured out over the years is how to create an authentic online marketing funnel that attracts and engages exactly those people I want to work with, and not the other kind. And I’ve helped hundreds of entrepreneurs like you to do the same. Now I’m opening the doors to my weekly group mastermind so you can connect with others of like mind and heart and get the support you need to create your wildly attractive client-attracting online marketing platform.

    Allow me and your Attraction Community to help you finally attract the right people online so you can create your own revolution.