Thanks for entering the Grow, Scale, Profit Giveaway. You have won instant access to the Magical Marketing Soul Tribe List Building Playbook. It is on the way to your email inbox now and should arrive within a few minutes.
You are also invited to my live Magical Marketing Soul Tribe Attraction Playshop on Thursday, October 31 at 10:30 am PT. Please calendar that and see below for the details to join us. I’ll be wearing my Halloween best and I hope you do too!
And if you would like to connect with others of like mind in my Facebook Group “The Spritual Entrepreneur Soul Tribe Attraction Collective” which you can join HERE.
The details to attend the playshop are below. Hope to see you there!
Topic: Soul Tribe Attraction Playshop with Website Reviews
Time: Oct 31, 2019 10:30 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
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