5 Reasons Your Website Isn’t Attracting or Converting Your Perfect Customers
with Julia Stege and Juliet Dillion Clark
Welcome! It’s our pleasure to assist you in discovering what’s not working about your website and the steps you can take to improve your site’s attractability.
Webinar Resources:
Soul Tribe Attraction Plan Workbook: Download this helpful workbook to begin attracting your perfect customers within 48 hours… or sooner!
Information to Participate:
Title: 5 Reasons Your Website Isn’t Attracting Customers
Time: Wednesday, July 13th at 10:00 AM Pacific
Listening method: Phone + Web Simulcast
Phone Number: (425) 440-5100
Local Numbers:http://InstantTeleseminar.com/Local/
Pin Code: 294485#
In this 90 minute free webinar you will discover:
- Why you’re not attracting the right people to your website
- How many websites are structured to lose prospective clients in seconds
- Why so many of your perfect customers are confused about what you do
- What makes a site immediately recognizable to your perfect customers
- What key step many entrepreneurs resist that could make or break the success of their site.