Through a conversation with Michelle Peticolas, Magical Marketing Client, and Julia Stege, the Magical Marketer, the steps to creating the amazing transformation in your marketing and your life are revealed.
~ In this 60 minute free webinar you will learn
1) Why conscious entrepreneurs need a new paradigm for marketing
2) What key steps are needed to make a website Wildly Attractive to your perfect customers
3) What makes a site immediately recognizable to those seeking your services
4) How creating a new website can transform your business and your life
Website Sale on now April 16 – May 15, 2014
Interested in reserving your own Wildly Attractive Website?
Here’s how to make that happen:
1) If you know you want one of the 10 brand and website packages we are making available at the sale price, use the reservation form to make your fully refundable deposit and we will contact you shortly with the details:
2) If you are not sure what you need right now but want help determining your next steps, or if you have questions about our websites or other services, please apply for a Magical Strategy Session by using this form:
3) Questions for Julia and the Magical Marketing Team? Call (510) 30-MAGIC