Are You Giving Away the Farm?

Are You Giving Away the Farm?

Everyone tells you that you must give SOMETHING away for free to attract clients online. Because people want to experience you and get a sense of your work before they go all in, so you have to give them free reports, eBooks, trainings, events, even your private time!...
Don’t Niche! Capiche? There IS Another Way!

Don’t Niche! Capiche? There IS Another Way!

Have you ever gone to a business or marketing expert to help you attract clients only to be told you should find a niche and narrow all your offerings down into the lowest common denominator, and then go out and target that niche? Most of the people I speak with tell...
A Kinder Gentler Social Networking Strategy

A Kinder Gentler Social Networking Strategy

“How do I attract clients on Social Networks?” That’s what a lot my peeps have been asking me lately. They feel a bit overwhelmed by all the options, and yet they know Social Networks are important to their marketing campaigns. They hear buzz about...
How I Helped Iyanla Attract Oprah

How I Helped Iyanla Attract Oprah

I will never forget the day back in 2010 when I got the call. “Hi! It’s Iyanla. I got my Magical Toolkit and I want my 15 minutes!” It couldn’t be! Why, just 2 weeks before I had been trying to find out what had happened to her. And now, listening to my voicemail, I...
6 Keys to Your Wildly Attractive Website

6 Keys to Your Wildly Attractive Website

If you have website woes, you’re not the only one. I review a lot of websites and pretty much what I hear from folks about their site is: My website isn’t attracting any clients… My website doesn’t work or represent me well… My website is U-G-L-Y… My...