Magical Marketing Blog

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3 Out-Of-The-Box Ways to Attract More Clients

If you are looking for more clients and seeking unusual (or at least untried) ways to attract more of them online, here are some out-of-the-box strategies I use with my clients that will amp up your attractability. Client Attraction Strategy 1: Focus on What YOU Want,...

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WAW Webinar Replay

Wildly Attractive Website Behind the Scenes Expose How to Attract Your Tribe Online by Being Yourself Webinar Replay Video Key Links: Branding from the Heart Virtual Program and Branding Breakthrough Consulting Package: Website...

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The Spiritual Significance of Beautiful Design

The Spiritual Significance of Beautiful Design

To be honest, I know quite a few millionaires who have done very well using marketing that is quite ugly.  I never understood this for years, why would a millionaire not invest in good design? Obviously they can afford it. Now that I understand the Character Codes *...

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A Rumi Christmas Greeting

Happy Holidays to You and Your Loved Ones From Julia Stege the Magical Marketer And the Magical Marketing Team Jeune, Beth, Cynthia, Nguyen, & Merwyn

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Designed to Blow Your Mind and Stir Your Soul

Designed to Blow Your Mind and Stir Your Soul

Many of my clients are highly creative, out-of-the-box visionaries who are passionate about transforming the lives of their clients and impacting the world. Their brand visual needs to stand out from the crowd  by offering an emotional experience and a unique...

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Afraid You Won’t Attract Enough Clients Who Really Get You?

Afraid You Won’t Attract Enough Clients Who Really Get You?

Have you ever had the thought that if ‘they’ knew just how complex and bizarre your offerings really are, they’d wonder if you’d lost your marbles? This is a key fear a lot of my clients have before we create their Wildly Attractive Website. They have been told to...

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The Black-is-Beautiful-Friday Sale on Now!

The Black-is-Beautiful-Friday Sale on Now!

I have no idea what "Black Friday" is supposed to mean but I remember from back in the 60s when I was a kid that "Black is Beautiful." So Black Friday must be good, possibly the best day of the year, especially if it means you can save money on something you know you...

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Why SEO is BS, IMO

Why SEO is BS, IMO

SEO = Search Engine Optimization: the process of maximizing the number of visitors to a particular website by ensuring that the site appears high on the list of results returned by a search engine. BS = Bull Shit IMO = In My Opinion As a website designer, I often...

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