The Magical Marketing process to design a WordPress Site is multi-faceted and highly collaborative. The key element to the design is the custom designed banner that adorns the top of the page. This banner is designed to reflect the essence, purpose, mission and resonance of the client, and is not necessarily a reflection of my aesthetic as the designer. I enjoy exploring the various aesthetic choices my clients make and feel that the results show the uniqueness of their personalities.

Katrina Sawa and yours truly getting close enough to collaborate!
Instead of just surprising my clients with a design, we work together to determine how to portray their mission, purpose and offerings through their own unique aesthetic. This requires getting real close and doing some collaborative back and forth in the design process.
As a design intuitive, these sessions help me literally download the look and feel that will attract their perfect customers authentically.
Success to me is when my clients feel their banner design is a true representation of them. That’s how I know it will attract their perfect customers.
I have been a busy little bee
designing new banners for incredible ladies
with a big mission to contribute to the world
and I wanted to show them off to you.
I hope you enjoy them!
If you are thinking of a website redesign for your heart-felt business, feel free to apply for a Magical Strategy Session with me and we’ll explore your next steps.
Shelley Sanders:
Innovative Intuitive
Banner Design
Julie Gray:
Salubrious Shift
Banner Design
Christy-Ann Olivares: Helping Parents be
Happy, Peaceful and Prosperous
Banner Design
Catharine Bramkamp:
Your Book Starts Here
Blog Banner Design
Helgi Maki:
Revolutionary Grief
Background Design
Annette Hunner:
Awaken to the Heart of You
Banner Design
Katrina Sawa:
Jump Start Your Marketing
Banner & Opt-In Design
Elizabeth Gibbons
Palace of the Soul
Banner Design
Holistic Transformations
Banner Design
Dr. Victoria Moore:
Powerful Amazing You
Theme Design
Magical Marketing
Law of Attraction Banner Design
If you are thinking, “Wow! I wish my website was as beautiful as these, then please don’t suffer with a web design you don’t LOVE. Apply for a Magical Strategy Session with me and we’ll explore your next steps.
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