by juliastege | Apr 4, 2016 | Blog
Are there times you’ve felt totally misunderstood even though you’re on the verge of such an incredibly important breakthrough that it could literally change the world? Do you feel like you are SO CLEAR that you are here for a specific and unique purpose, but you’re...
by juliastege | Jan 15, 2016 | Blog
OK I’m about to get controversial here. Risky, yes, but what’s a rebel-girl to do when confronted by things she feels are just simply wrong? Not be silent about it anymore! I started this as a thread on Facebook and got over 100 comments so I’m...
by juliastege | May 2, 2013 | Blog
Have you ever wondered why it is that a vast majority of business and marketing advisors urge entrepreneurs to conform in multitudinous ways, and yet when you think about it, everyone you know who is truly prosperous is a complete original? These original souls...
by juliastege | Apr 18, 2013 | Blog
I speak with multiple people every day who are trying to give me a reason why they can’t be totally authentic. They don’t say it in exactly that way. They say things like (these are real things people have said to me in the past week): “I’m trying to appeal to a more...
by juliastege | May 25, 2012 | Blog
Conscious business and spiritual marketing are all the buzz these days, especially among women entrepreneurs, and that’s a good thing. Previously nobody cared a hoot about anything in business but the bottom line and brainwashing people to buy stuff. Now there...