Have you ever wondered why it is that a vast majority of business and marketing advisors urge entrepreneurs to conform in multitudinous ways, and yet when you think about it, everyone you know who is truly prosperous is a complete original?
These original souls probably received very little encouragement at first because nobody had ever done what they were setting out to do. It wasn’t a certain success, in their minds. It hadn’t been successfully tried before.
It’s the Catch 22, you have an original idea or process which is great but then since nobody’s tried it, nobody is certain it will succeed, so nobody supports it. If you still pursue it and you succeed, then everyone wants to follow you.
Here’s a typical scenario. Someone with a brilliant idea, let’s call her Ms. Originality, does something completely new and out of the box. Then when she achieves success with it, she creates a system for others to follow in her footsteps. The problem is, the followers are trying to conform to Ms. Originality’s style or process and it doesn’t work for them in the same way. It makes no sense but it happens all the time.
So here’s the challenge; how to be your completely original and almost freakishly different self and still be prosperous?
That is the question Prosperity Muse Mimi Quick and Magical Marketer Julia Stege will address in their upcoming special webinar “Being a Prosperous Freak: How Being Different Makes You Prosperous” on Wednesday, May 22 at 11am PT.
Both Julia and Mimi have created successful businesses by being different, and they want to help others to be prosperous by being themselves.
“Your authentic self is the most attractive thing about you, but when all these coaches tell you to follow in their footsteps, you sacrifice your originality,” warns Julia. “Mimi and I want to give you valuable tips and strategies that have helped us to maintain our own freaky, individual style while succeeding and prospering in our businesses.”
Mimi emphasizes, “Life is all about embracing WHO YOU REALLY ARE with Love and Stepping out powerfully with your amazing gifts and being in contribution the way that is best for you..So how can you begin to do that now? That’s exactly what Julia and I will be sharing with you in our special call.”
During this complimentary webinar you will
~ Learn about what stops you from being fully you
~ Discover how our clients have succeeded by being real
~ Learn tips for clearing resistance to authenticity
~ Explore what patterns bring you forward and which drag you back, and how to change that
~ Clear the cobwebs from your unique vision and set it in motion
~ Celebrate your wildly creative, super freaky, outrageously different, opulent self
~ Experience a shift in how you approach business and life from now on, as a Prosperous Freak!
Program: Being a Prosperous Freak: How Being Different Makes You Prosperous
Facilitators: Julia Stege and Mimi Quick
Date: Wed. May 22, 2013
Time: 11 am PT / 12 pm MT / 1 pm CT / 2 pm ET / 7pm GMT /
Register Here: https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/580679858
The date is passed. Is there an archive I can see/listen to? 🙂