6 Keys to Your Wildly Attractive Website

6 Keys to Your Wildly Attractive Website

If you have website woes, you’re not the only one. I review a lot of websites and pretty much what I hear from folks about their site is: My website isn’t attracting any clients… My website doesn’t work or represent me well… My website is U-G-L-Y… My...
How to Make Your Website More Attractive to Your Tribe

How to Make Your Website More Attractive to Your Tribe

Back in the 90s when I first started creating websites for clients, there were very few businesses online.  The biggest business was Amazon.com and most of the businesses going online wanted to copy whatever Amazon.com did, including making their pages both busy and...
7 Sure Signs You Need a New Website

7 Sure Signs You Need a New Website

If you are trying to attract clients online, I believe that a website is your most essential tool. The problem is that with all the changes going on constantly in the Internet marketing world, how’s a Soulpreneur to know whether your site is fine as it is, or whether...
Creating Magical Marketing from Nothing

Creating Magical Marketing from Nothing

I’ve been listening a lot to Eckhart Tolle, Joe Dispensa and Alan Watts lately and they talk about the power of creating from nothing. So I started thinking about creating marketing from nothing. As I pondered this, I recalled that the times I was most successful with...