When I first came out as a law of attraction person back in 2006, I’d been dabbling in the metaphysical all my life. I was even an astrologer for a little while back in the 80s. So you would think this wouldn’t be a big deal. But it was. I was afraid to do my own business my own way, all because of this guy:

He stood there wearing his boring suit and tie with an angry twist to his face. He suddenly whipped off his glasses, raised his suited arm, pointed his finger at me and said incredulously, “You want me to do an Attraction Plan?! Are you kidding me?” 

Yes, he was a figment of my imagination. I had never actually had anyone say that to me, especially not in that way, but he was there, in my head, wagging his finger in my face. This is what, I worried, could happen if I let the world know I’m in to the Law of Attraction and spiritual principles and I want to teach folks how to integrate them into their marketing.

Yes, this stopped me for many years. But finally I discovered a magical plan that has been used by thousands across the world to attract their perfect customers, and I knew it was effective. I realized that if this fellow in my mind didn’t like the idea of doing this really magical process, he wasn’t my ideal customer anyway.

So I let him go. And I came out publicly as a Law of Attraction Marketing person. I never attracted anyone like that guy after all.

In fact, I only ever attract people who I’m in alignment with in some important way, or multiple ways. That’s because I’ve arranged my marketing to be a magnet to folks who share my authentic perspective. I’d love to show you how I do this so you can attract your Soul Tribe too.

The place to start is with your own Strategic Attraction Plan. I’ve laid it out for you in the Soul Tribe Attraction Playbook which you can get for free by clicking the “Get the Magical Playbook” banner on this page. This plan will help you to identify and align with what you really want to attract to your business. It will also help you clarify what you don’t want to attract, like that angry fellow I described above.

When I realized, “Hey, I don’t even want to attract folks like that guy. I don’t care if he doesn’t like my Attraction Plan or my spiritual approach to marketing. I don’t even need to think about him,” that was when my spiritual business took off. 

Instead of worrying about lawyers who might reject my metaphysical style, I focused my attention on those who are looking for a new paradigm for marketing that is magical, that matches their own sense of what’s right, that allows them to be themselves.

Instead of thinking about what I didn’t want and getting all bent out of shape, I spent time writing down the qualities of the clients I do want to attract, what’s important to them, what their needs are, what they’re struggling with right now. 

And the better I got to know my tribe, the better I was able to help them. The less I thought about people I can’t help and the more I thought about those I can help, the better everything became. The projects I did for clients ran smoothly. Nobody threw their glasses down in a rage when they saw the metaphysical nature of my programs. Folks loved the results they were producing because they came from the heart with the whole process.

So get started ridding your mind of those nasty gremlins. Write down the qualities, characteristics and attributes of the folks you want to work with, write them down and read them every day and watch as your whole world transforms.

Let me know how it goes! Have you done your attraction plan? Share in the comments below.