If you are trying to attract clients online, I believe that a website is your most essential tool. The problem is that with all the changes going on constantly in the Internet marketing world, how’s a Soulpreneur to know whether your site is fine as it is, or whether it’s time to gjve it an overhaul, or even get a fresh online presence? If you’re not sure whether you can keep what you have, or if you need a new website, a simple upgrade, or to throw in the towel, here are some clues.
Here are seven sure signs it’s time for a new site or a major upgrade:
1) When you go to your site, you want to throw up.
It’s not as uncommon as you may think. Most of the time, if you had a programmer create your site, they use cookie-cutter themes with common clip-art images and give you no direction on the website copy or how to make it real and engaging. So by the time you go live with the site, you’re already disappointed. And after a while, the site begins to make you nauseous not only because of the money you wasted on it but because of the business you’re losing as a result. Any marketing, even professionally created marketing, that makes you sick will not work for you.
SOLUTION: Get a new site or a site upgrade now to ensure you love it, and your tribe will love it too!
2) Your site was created so long ago it no longer represents you.
OK, so your site doesn’t make you ill, but it’s so old that you don’t even recognize yourself in the graphics or the copy or even the offerings. This site, if it’s attracting anyone at all, is attracting folks with a vibration that is more of a match to you years ago than now. So you will attract folks who are not really a good match to you.
SOLUTION: It’s time to honor how far you’ve come by upgrading your brand and getting a new site that represents you and your purpose NOW.
3) You’re in business but you don’t have a website at all.
Maybe this should have been #1 but really only about 10% of Soulpreneurs have this problem. However, if this is your issue, you need at least a simple starter site asap. It’s almost impossible to attract a steady stream of clients without some kind of a website. Even if you are getting referrals, your potential clients will look online to check you out, and if you don’t have a site they won’t think you’re professional or worthy of their investment. This is truly a Law of Attraction phenomenon. If you are willing to invest in yourself (ie your brand and website) then you will be more in alignment with clients who are willing to invest with you!
SOLUTION: Get at least a basic website to get your online platform started and to grow your list. Then build it slowly as your business grows.
4) Nobody comes to your site, or nobody opts in.
If you have a site you really like, but hardly anyone is visiting (which you know because you have Google analytics on your site, right!!?) then you have a problem with your marketing. Your site may be truly resonant with your purpose and the free offer may be stellar, but you won’t know until you inspire folks to visit your site. You will want to invest in marketing before you consider upgrading your site. There are millions of options for online marketing, and to ensure your steps will be effective, you probably want to hire a consultant to assist you in determining the best marketing ideas for your offering and tribe.
If on the other hand, folks come to your site, but nobody opts in, you either have a problem with your free offer, or the sales copy you have on the site is not engaging your visitors. This is not such a bad problem to have because it’s fairly simple to change the site copy and upgrade your opt in. You won’t have to create a whole new site. But you probably need consulting help to make your offer truly attractive and inspire your visitors to engage with you.
SOLUTION: If you like your site but the results aren’t stellar, you need marketing advice and assistance. Seek out a marketing consultant who is a vibrational match for you and your work.
5) Your site isn’t mobile ready
The Internet world has changed in the last few years since Google stopped showing non-mobile ready sites in its search results for mobile devices. And since over 70% of folks are using mobile devices to search and surf the web, having a mobile-ready site is vital. To see if you site passes the Google test visit: https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/mobile-friendly/. If your site fails, you need to either make your current site mobile-ready, or you may take this opportunity to get a whole new site. If your site passes the Google test, you should still check to see how your site actually looks on a mobile. You can visit a site like http://mobiletest.me/ and put in your URL to test it.
SOLUTION: If your site fails the Google test, or if it looks bad on a mobile, you need to hire a programmer to revise your website theme to look and function as well on a mobile as it does on a desktop.
6) You’re ready to really get your authentic self out to the world in a bigger way
You may not hate or even dislike your site, and you may be attracting clients, but if you’re up to bigger things than your site originally was intended for, then it’s time for a change. Perhaps your site was all about a specific modality that is only part of the larger picture you see now. Or maybe you were limiting your self-expression in some other way because you were afraid to (or advised against) being truly authentic. Maybe you’re out to change the world through your genius, but you weren’t bold enough to say so before (that’s happened to me!)
SOLUTION: If your authentic self is crying out for a wildly attractive platform for your true soul’s purpose and your current site is not up to the task, it’s time to get a new site.
If you are unsure of whether you really need a site upgrade, or just some marketing assistance, I am making 5 slots available in my calendar for a Complimentary Website Analysis for folks who apply at http://www.magicalwebsiteanalysis.com. During this 30 minute session, we’ll carefully review your website together and determine whether or not you need an upgrade, and what your next steps should be.
QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS? If you have a brief question you want quickly answered, please use my Contact Form and we’ll respond asap, within 24 hours. http://magical-marketing.com///contact-us/