If you have an expertise, an area of interest, or a gift to share with the world, webinars are a great way to get your message to an ever expanding tribe of like-minded souls. I have been offering teleseminars for six years and webinars for about four years now and this has helped me increase my income by over 150%. The reason I changed to webinars is that I learned the visual component helps most people learn and retain the information longer.
I use free webinars to promote and deliver my Magical Marketing Mastery Course as well as my 1-on-1 branding and website services. They have really helped build strong positive buzz about me and my offerings. And the webinar intensives I’ve offered have not only brought income, they have also provided me a platform to share my true purpose and develop my gifts with the people who need them.
I feel strongly that anyone in business for themselves can and should use free webinars to attract a wider potential client base and build additional streams of income while fulfilling on their life mission.
If you know you want to offer free webinars, here are 10 steps you can use to ensure yours are successful and wildly attractive.
Step One: Decide What’s Perfect for You
Start your process by focusing on what you want to happen before you plan your webinar offerings. With the magical 4-part Attraction Plan process [magicalmarketingtoolkit.com ] you can identify your perfect peeps and what draws them to you, and clarify what you want to offer. This is the most important step to attracting the right people to help your webinars succeed.
Step Two: Define Your Heart-Felt Offering
Explore what makes you tick and how that relates to your services and/or products and the results you produce for your clients. Discover the passion behind what you do for people. When you share your purpose in relation to your gifts and skills, you have defined your heart-felt offering in a way that makes you different and draws the right people to your webinars.
Step Three: Create Your Wildly Attractive Webinar Plan
Now that you know who you’re attracting and what you’re offering to them, it’s time to map out your plan of action. Schedule the date and time of your webinar and write out all the steps you’ll need to take to make it happen. You are not creating all the content at this stage, just a solid outline for your topic, how you will deliver it, and what you will offer at the end of the webinar. Also plan your follow up for after the webinar. Give yourself about 3-4 weeks to promote your event, and enough time before that to write your content and have your web person create the sales page and opt in.
Step Four: Develop Your Authentic Marketing Message
Now you want to start writing your sales copy in a way that is authentic, poignant and inspiring. I often study the sales pages of mentors who I have found particularly enrolling, straight-forward and effective and emulate their fomat while using my own voice. These days less is more where copy is concerned (most folks don’t read all that sales verbiage anyway!) You may want to include some short videos to get your message out more effectively.
Step Five: Get Your Webinar Service
There are a variety of services you will want to look into to find what works best for you. All the following options come with some form of training so you can learn how to use them.
Gotowebinar.com: I’ve been using this service for 4 years and it’s a solid, reliable webinar program. You can show slides and share your desktop, it has one-click recording, and several room sizes to choose from. Cost starts at about $50/month.
iWowWe: This is a new exciting service that allows up to 100 people in the room for only $20/month. You can share slides and desktop like Gotowebinar, and you can do video conferencing where you and up to 100 peeps can see each other face to face. This service also allows for video emailing with auto responders, and one-click video share on social networks. You can get more info on video conferencing plus a free video email trial at
Instant Teleseminar: I haven’t used this system recently, but I’m excited about the ability to offer webinars off your own website. This is great for branding and you can stream your webinar right off your sales page. You can also re-broadcast your webinars which is a great time-saver, especially for ‘evergreen’ campaigns you offer ongoingly. This service won’t allow desktop sharing but you can share slides. Starting at $47/month for up to 20 phone lines and 100 web attendees. Here’s a 21-day, $1 Trial offer http://InstantTeleseminar.com/ProductInfo/?x=2821426
Step Six: Create Your Content
One downside of offering webinars over teleclasses is that you have to prepare slides for a webinar. For years I did teleclasses in an impromptu fashion, mostly channeling the content for folks in real time. Now with webinars I have to create the content in advance, designing slides that will captivate my audience. The upside of this is that you can create a PDF of your slides for an instant hand-out, and you can relax during the webinar knowing you’ve mapped out what you will say in advance. Make sure your slides include interesting graphics that support the point you are making. This will help folks pay attention and retain your information better.
Step Seven: Create Your Compelling Offer
You will want to offer your free webinar participants the opportunity to learn more about you, test the waters with your service, or hire you to help them in a bigger way. Make sure you have a compelling offer during your free webinar that inspires them to take the action to connect with you. This could be a discount on a product or service limited to webinar participants who act quickly, or an offer for a complimentary consultation to help them determine their next steps.
Step Eight: Promote Your Butt Off
Social Networks are the perfect places to promote your webinars. A good strategy is to take snippets from your presentation and mission statement, along with quotes from famous writers and thinkers that match your mission, and send these out via Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Then about 20% of your posts will have a link to your webinar sign up page. Also send out an invite to your ezine list. These folks are most likely to be responsive.
Step Nine: Deliver Your Webinar
If you’ve never delivered a webinar before I suggest you do a trial run with your friends to make sure you understand the technology and have the flow. That way when it’s time to deliver your webinar live to your subscribers, you are ready. Now relax and connect through the heart with people on the webinar. Deliver your content with love and a sincere desire to contribute to your participants. This will create a dedicated following
Step Ten: Follow Up
Make sure you follow up with folks who attended your free webinar. Some of your participants will act right away to take advantage of your compelling offer, while others will act only after you follow up with them. One great follow up is sending out a link to the class recording along with a reminder of your compelling offer. Another way is to collect their phone number in the registration process and pick up the phone to call them. You can ask if they felt the webinar solved their issue or if they need further assistance.
I recommend repeating this process every month or at least every other month to build a loyal following of like-minded people who refer or become your perfect customers.
I hope you find these steps helpful in empowering you to offer successful free webinars. If you would like help offering free webinars to get your message and gifts to the world, I would be honored to assist you. Please apply for your Magical Strategy Session at http://www.magicalstrategysession.com and we will explore your next steps in this no-obligation complimentary consultation.
WOULD YOU LIKE TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR BLOG OR EZINE? You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it: Magical Marketer Julia D. Stege, MFA helps conscious entrepreneurs attract their tribe and inspire a revolution with authentic branding strategies and wildly attractive graphic and website designs. If you’re ready to start attracting your perfect customers now, get Julia’s free Magical Marketing Toolkit at http://www.magicalmarketingtoolkit.com
Hi All sounds great. My plan is to offer a free webinar of great value and then up sell a webinar series on a specific topic, in fact it will be a 5 part series webinar. I have given telesminars but haven’t done a webinar before. I’ve got online courses developed that go out on PDF’s via auto-responders. Anyway, I’m curious to hear more of what you know about the fee based webinar. Thank you!!