Used to be in the golden olden days that potential clients could find you on Google. One reason was because if you had a website at all, you were doing better than most folks in your industry, and so the competition wasn’t as big.
Another reason was that Google allowed your site to come up if it matched the customer’s query, but now that’s not always true.
Just about a year and a half ago everything changed at Google. They stopped sending any people to your site from a mobile if your site wasn’t mobile ready. That means that over 65% of folks searching for you on Google won’t be able to find you AT ALL… not on page one, not on page 51, or 251, unless you’ve made the proper mobile-friendly revisions on your site… like making sure they can read it on a vertical phone or tablet.
Google is sneaky that way. They can tell what kind of device is being used by their customer and they only want to send those customers to the best sites for their query. Makes sense they don’t want to send their mobile customers to a site that doesn’t work well on a mobile.
I am actually surprised to say that over 30% of the websites I see on a regular basis from folks coming to me for help are not mobile friendly. Now that you know that over 65% of folks can’t even find you on Google at all, I hope you consider a change.
Step 1:
What are you to do? First, find out if Google is refusing to send potential clients to your site from a mobile by using their simple test: Then come back here for Step 2:
Step 2:
Look at your site on various platforms to see how good it LOOKS on a mobile. If Google send a potential client to your site and it looks bad on their iPad, they could bounce off your site in frustration. Here’s a good site to see how your site looks on various platforms:
Step 3:
Get Help! If your site is not mobile ready, looks bad on an iPad, or if it just doesn’t represent you well, then let’s talk. I hate to see you losing business because your site doesn’t work for you.
I’m opening several spots in my October calendar for a Magical Website Analysis session to provide a full review of your website and your goals and to offer solutions that you can implement right away. It’s a no-pressure deal, but be forewarned, I will be recommending that you do what it takes to make your site a client-attracting machine that that will likely require an investment of time and money on your part. If you’re serious about your business and getting your gifts out to the right people, apply here:
Step 4:
Check out some of our beautiful recently designed mobile-friendly sites to see what we could do for you:
Whatever you do, don’t let your website languish in a cyberspace black hole because it’s not mobile friendly. It would be my honor to help you.
Julia Stege
The Magical Marketer
(510) 30-MAGIC
PS: If you had your site done by Magical Marketing or Graphic Girlz before May 2015, we have a special price to make your site mobile friendly. Please apply for the Website Analysis or simply reply to this message to find out more.