I have been creating websites for over 20 years and though many things have changed in that time, the things that thwart folks from having a website that works for them remain consistent. I have seen it all and know how to spot what’s working or not working about a site in minutes.
I will be inviting you to apply for one of 4 website review sessions with me to take a peek at your site at the end of this article.
The problem is most folks don’t know WHY their website is not working, or why they hate marketing. It’s sometimes even taken as a personal flaw! But please stop beating yourself up and let’s take look at the 3 top reasons why your website’s not working for you. If you’re like most people I speak with, you have one or more of these issues plaguing your website and thus your business, and it’s not personal. It’s a plague!
Here are 3 Reasons Your Website’s Not Right.
Branding is Off
If you don’t know who your ideal client is and what they really need, and you don’t know what your main message is, and if you don’t have a great freebie that grows your list with the right peeps, or if what you’re using in this regard is out of alignment with your true purpose, your whole marketing effort will be for naught. If you attract anyone at all you will attract often the wrong people, those who don’t get you or your value, or who take up a lot of time with issues.
The first steps to aligned branding is to determine who you were born to serve, what your soul’s message to them is, and what your gift is for the world. To help you with that I suggest you get my Soul Tribe Attraction Playbook if you don’t already have it. It’s a magical process that has helped thousands to attract their most perfect customers authentically. You can get it here without opting in:
Copy is Not Engaging
It would be difficult to create engaging copy if you don’t have #1 handled. And even if you did, most people make the mistake of creating website content that describes their modality or services ad nauseum as if a scientist were going to analyze it. And they even describe themselves scientifically, in the 3rd person, sort of like an obituary. And it will kill the effectiveness of your website.
What you need is first to ensure your #1 is clear, then write a letter to your tribe that reveals that you understand their predicament like no other, and that you have a unique solution that offers the results they are seeking. If you share why you care about their problems or needs, and if you are authentic about your own struggles and how you solved them (without trauma sharing), your tribe will relate to you and feel like you get them. And they will be drawn in.
Then you must invite them to take an action that will connect you, either an opt in or apply for a session with you, or better yet, both.
Design is Boring, Busy or just plain Bad
Most people don’t think of design as something necessary or critical to attracting the right clients. And so most websites and marketing pieces are boring, busy or just plain bad.
In the same way that most folks write about their modalities in the 3rd person and include just about everything they do with great explanation, most folks also put too many things on their website, too much copy, too many options. And the site visitor does not know which action to take, or even what the site is all about. They are overwhelmed by unformatted text that goes on and on. And underwhelmed by the general look and feel of the site.
What I call the ‘secret ingredient’ for attracting your Soul Tribe online is your authentic aesthetic. When you reveal what you feel is beautiful, a bit of your soul shines through. And those who are aligned with your soul will be attracted to your aesthetic. So having a visual brand that is beautiful to you, reveals your soul, and attracts your tribe, is essential to an effective website.
What to do now?
Apply for a Magical Website Analysis with me. I am opening my calendar for 4 people to receive this valuable session where we connect and review your website for what’s working and what’s not working. I will give you a mini-plan for your next steps, and I’ll share how I can help you. Right now there is still one $1000 off coupon available for the next person who is ready now to get a Magical Marketing Branding and Website Package.
It will be my pleasure to connect with you to help you attract your Soul Tribe Online.
The last thing you want to do is allow a sub-par website to represent you to the world. Your creative, unique, cutting edge offering … and YOU … deserve better. Let me help by applying for your Magical Website Analysis now.