The words you use on your website, social media, and email campaigns are key to attracting the right people to you and engaging them online. When you are in person, there are many factors that can attract a person to you, including your radiance, your smile, your style of dress, how you speak, etc.

But when you are attracting your audience online you must use words that engage people quickly or they will bounce away without so much as a hello. When we are in person, that behavior is considered rude, but online it’s the norm.

There are 3 common mistakes people make with their copy.

The first mistake I see most often is writing copy that is passively descriptive rather than engaging. I’m sure you have seen it a million times, a web page that begins with, “So and so is a such and such practitioner with degrees in this and that, and she does these things.” If you want to help people to get to sleep more quickly, writing copy like this may be a good approach. I’m only kidding! Don’t try it. It really works!

What to do instead? First you want to understand the needs of your audience, and if you don’t know who your audience is, start there. Understanding your audience is key to engaging them. Then make sure you have topics that are interesting to them, and write authentically from the heart, making sure to invite your visitors to interact with you. Consider your copy is a conversation you are having with your tribe. Ask them questions, reveal that you know them and their problems and know how to solve them. Write conversationally. Try not to describe things too passively but share with passion. This will help you develop your own unique style and a tribe who appreciates you.

The second mistake I see is writing too much. I have to admit I have succumbed to the urge to explain everything in my website. But this is actually a deterrent. You don’t want to inundate people with details about your modalities and how they work, or outline every step in your process, or even the details of what’s included in your packages. Your website and social media should lead folks to want to connect with you to learn more, and you should have marketing funnels that offer bits of information in sequence so they are lured in and engaged, not overwhelmed.

What to do instead? Discover what you really need to say to inspire the actions you want your people to take (such as downloading your freebie, contacting you for a free session, reading your blog and testimonials, etc.) Make sure to address your ideal customer and their concerns at the top, and briefly introduce yourself and lead into what you want them to do to solve their problem. Tell them the steps that lead to that action. Then end the page there. The next page will guide them to the next action. Keep it simple and plan out your communications so you are keeping your audience interested in you. Email campaigns are best at this so make sure your Home page is engaging and inspires folks to opt in to your list.

The third and most critical mistake I see is not writing at all. Before I started offering copy writing to my website clients (I don’t know why I didn’t… I could have saved so many people such suffering!) I had one client who took 3.5 years to deliver her website copy for programming! And she wasn’t the only one. Back then a majority of my clients struggled with copy writing and took as long as a year to get me their content. (Again, what was I thinking not offering copy writing?) One common reason is perfectionism and another common reason is simply writer’s block.

What to do instead? Either let go of perfectionism and just do it, all the while committing to working on it regularly, getting feedback etc to perfect it over time. Or if you have tried and have writer’s block, don’t like writing, or some other thing is holding you back, get help. I provide collaborative copy writing services so you can be sure the result represents you well. To connect with me and explore how I can help you engage rather than bore your prospects online, please contact me.


Julia Stege, the Magical Marketer helps spiritual business women and conscious entrepreneurs to clarify and  express their purpose through marketing that attracts their Soul Clients online.  Since 1997, hundreds of clients united in their desire to show up authentically in their heart-centered marketing have showcased their uniqueness through Wildly Attractive Websites that serve as magnets for attracting leads, clients, and difference-making opportunities.  Celebrity Change Maker Iyanla Vanzant, Spiritual Marketing Guru Suzanne Falter, Vegan Food Franchise Cafe Gratitude, Passionate Saver of the Ocean Rich German and aspiring magical marketers worldwide have engaged Julia to help them to express their uniqueness authentically and attract their most divinely aligned clients online. Begin your own Magical Marketing Journey with the Soul Tribe Attraction Playbook at IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO REPUBLISH THIS ARTICLE YOU MAY as long as you include the entire article unedited including the bio and this message.