Have you ever been told you can’t do something you’re being guided by every fiber of your soul to do? Have you ever paid someone thousands of dollars to advise you and have them tell you to give up on your dreams? I know I have. I’ve heard it all my entire life…
They say…
You can’t do THAT!
You can’t SAY THAT!!!
You can’t GET AWAY with THAT!
Nobody’s EVER done THAT!
You can’t COMBINE THAT with THAT!
You can’t make a LIVING doing THAT!
Nobody will LIKE you if you do THAT!
And on and on it goes… still.
Like the last time I paid a coach and she said about Rebel Academy for Women Who Won’t Be Silent, and I quote, You can’t say THAT. You can’t say, ‘women who won’t be silent.’
Sure, she had her reasons. “It’s NEGATIVE,” she said. “It’s counter to Law of Attraction!” (Hey I’m the frickin’ LOA coach! Don’t tell ME about LOA!) and “Really Julia, rebels? You know what’s going to happen if you attract them?”
I just almost laughed, knowing I’d be telling you about this soon and making you feel better about having done the same thing. It was worth the money for the confirmation, THIS IS WHAT THEY SAY, ALL THE TIME. And that’s because they don’t get you, and that’s not your fault. You are just way up there on the cutting edge and as Abraham says, “There’s never a crowd on the cutting edge.”
On top of that, nobody’s done what you want to do.
You’re a Rebel, my dear. And there’s no sense hiding it.
In fact, my rebel cohort Wenke and I want you to share about it, with us, in our Rebel Survey. We’re gathering information for the Rebel Academy about what our people need, what your vision is, how you want to impact the world, what’s standing in your way, and how we can help you get there. We know you have to have out-of-the-box, customizable solutions that help you forward your mission, authentically, in the world.
We’d love your input <<<TAKE THE SURVEY>>> and in return we want to THANK YOU!
To thank you for taking the survey we will be offering a group live business review within the next couple weeks. We will spend 15 minutes on 4 separate entrepreneurs to help them have a breakthrough, and we’ll share our findings on how rebels can succeed in business so everybody in attendance will have their own breakthroughs!
We will select the winners of this review from the surveys taken. We will also choose several select entrants to receive a Private All-Of-Me Business Breakthrough Session with Wencke or myself. (or both of us if you’re lucky!)
Please help us create a program that will best serve our tribe by taking our survey HERE. Thanks!