The Magical Marketing approach to branding is called Branding from the HeartTM because it starts with what is most important to you. When working with my branding clients, my objective is create the aesthetic that depicts their purpose, vision and personality beautifully while conveying their essence consistently throughout their marketing.
The Soul Symbol is literally created to represent my client’s Soul Purpose. This requires a collaborative design process along with deep exploration and a lot of intuition and spiritual guidance thrown in.
I personally hand-design all of the Logos and Soul Symbols for Magical Marketing clientele. The result of our collaborative design process is a Logo that my clients can stand behind, that represents their business as well as the results of their work in the world. Often the symbols I create for my clients are such a perfect reflection of their Soul’s Purpose that the use of the logo is not limited even to a specific business. These symbols are frequently used as an umbrella brand to promote a variety of offerings.
I hope you enjoy these Soul Symbol and Logo Designs!

Soul Symbol, Logo and Banner Design for Jeanne Kouhestani of Click image to see the WIldly Attractive Website we designed for her. While you’re there, take some time with the inspired articles and resources there for seekers.

Soul Symbol and Logo Design for Maritza Rodriguez-Arseneau and her umbrella brand “Forgiveness to Freedom: Shining the Light for Transformation” We used the Branding from the Heart method to discover the name and tagline, then selected the butterfly to represent transformation and included hearts on the wings to represent love, one of Maritza’s key “Tick Words” Wildly Attractive Website coming soon!

Hand-Drawn Logo Design for Dr. Kim D’Eramo who combines Law of Attraction consulting with Holistic Medicine. The symbol was inspired partly by the song “Firework” by Katie Perry which is about how everyone is an inspired being and has the power within to change the world without. To see Dr. Kim’s Wildly Attractive Website click the image.

Soul Symbol and Logo Design for Dyan Banta and Flying Heart Global. The symbol of the dove for peace and love and the uniting of parent and child through the heart… Dyan’s purpose is helping those who care for adult disabled children.

Soul Symbol and Logo Design for Jan Cercone’s Song and Spirit Center. This symbol brings together all the values that Jan brings together through her sound healing center in San Rafael, CA. Some of these values include uniting masculing and feminine through the heart, birthing a new world, and sound healing.

Soul Symbol and Logo Design for Inspired Beginnings by Julia Stege. The heart-felt purpose of this business is to guide couples into creating the family of their dreams… for blissful everafters!

The Goddess Innana Logo Design for Mariah Inanna Jonas who channels the loving spirit and knowledge of the Goddess Inanna. The imagery in her cloak represent the feeling of this divine feminine presence. The combination of flowing illustrations with photo montage has become a signature style of mine because so many people request something like this once they see it, especially spiritually oriented women entrepreneurs

Soul Symbol and Logo Design for Robin Kroupa’s Umbrella Brand Harmonic Haven. The name was the result of combining Robin’s purpose of bringing harmony to the world and having a haven to orchestrate the art of bliss with her massage, aromatherapy and energy balancing services. The symbol includes the heart, the spiral, the infinity symbol and the sun or the light of source, all in a balanced, unique visual.

Soul Symbol and Logo Design for Charlene Levine and Corporate Wellness Resources. The Lion is a significant power animal for Charlene and her husband Bob (both are Leo’s) and the yin-yang in the lion’s 3rd eye represents the balance and holistic healing Charlene wants to bring to corporations and their workers.

Soul Symbol and Logo Design for Tamera Herrell and “Wise Woman, LLC: Financial Wisdom for Women ~ Strategies for Financial Independence” Tammy and I collaborated to develop the goddess image with photos that represent her purpose and offerings flowing through her hair.

Soul Symbol and Logo Design for Dr. Z’s Coaches Corner, Your Community for Coaching Resources. Damita (Dr. Z) wanted to use the Phoenix as her symbol to represent rising from the ashes into creativity, freedom, and success. This is the result that her website will offer.
Would you like your logo to represent your soul’s purpose while promoting everything you’re up to and attracting your perfect customers?
I’d love to offer you a complimentary Magical Strategy Session to review your current branding and determine your best next steps to creating a wildly attractive authentic brand. Register Here for your complimentary session. (one per customer)