A lot of people call me each week wondering if it’s time for them to upgrade, update or uplevel their site… is it good enough or does it really need to change. There is so much information out there on how to market online, most of which is contradictory to anyone with a conscience, it’s hard to know what to do.
I want to ask you a few questions about your website that will help you determine if it’s time for an upgrade or not. Watch this video to honestly assess what’s working and what’s not working about your website. If you would like help, I can assist you in a few ways. Check out those options below the video.
1) Group Website Analysis Session Thurs. July 28 at 10:30 am PT
I sponsor group webinars on a regular basis designed to assist you in clarifying what’s working and what’s not working about your website. Come and submit your URL and I’ll give you an honest and personal assessment about your site, along with some ‘next steps’ to make your website wildly attractive. Visit this link to register for call information: http://magical-marketing.com///whats-working-or-not-working-about-your-website/
2) Private Website Analysis Consultations
I open my calendar for a limited number of private Magical Website Analysis Sessions each month to assist those who are serious about a branding and website upgrade to determine if now is the right time, and what elements need an upgrade, and what you can keep as is. To apply for one of these valuable sessions, visit http://www.magicalwebsiteanalysis.com
3) Summer Website Sale:
We have put 3 websites on sale for $1,000 off our ususal price as our way to assist those who want to upgrade their brand and website. One has sold and two are available for the taking (one person is still deciding). If you want to learn about what we include in our basic Magical Marketing Branding & Website Package, and put a deposit down to hold your sale price until we can discuss the details together, visit http://bit.ly/wawform. This is the best way to reserve one of our few sale websites. If you have questions about this, please CONTACT ME DIRECTLY and I’ll reply asap to your query.
4) Join “Let’s Talk Websites!” on Facebook
We have created a new private group on Facebook called Let’s Talk Websites! Visit our group and request to join and we’ll give you entry to a private space where you can ask questions about your website and get answers at no cost! It’s a great resource for folks who want to succeed online. Visit http://www.facebook.com/groups/letstalkwebsites.
I hope these suggestions are helpful. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions. Also I’d love to hear your comments and questions below and I’ll reach out to answer to the best of my ability.