Yesterday I treated myself to a movie, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by J.K. Rowling. I loved it and highly recommend the movie. Without giving you spoilers, there’s a traveling wizard named Newt who meets up with a non wizard (or “nomag”) baker named Jacob and takes him to a very magical place.
So there’s a conversation at one point where Jacob thinks they need to get back to the other wizards. “After all, they made us cocoa!” And Newt says (I’m paraphrasing from memory), “You know if you go with them they’re going to obliviate you.”
“What’s that?” asks Jacob.
“They’ll make it so you don’t remember any magic.”
“I won’t remember any of this at all?” asked Jacob looking around at the magical creatures flying about his head. “I’m coming with you.”
Oh, I was bawling at this point in the movie. A life without magic! How sad and horrible.
And then I realized I’d done it to myself. I’d obliviated myself!
You know I’m the Magical Marketer and it’s an important part of my purpose to experience the magic of life while assisting others to change the world. I’m always talking about the metaphysical realm and helping psychics, intuitives, artists and healers of all stripes to get their message out to their tribe.
But there are times, and often times recently, when I have forgotten that life is magic.
Like the day after the election for instance. All magic was sucked out of my mind and I was all doom and gloom. And admittedly, the US is a scary and strange place right now to me. And I didn’t even let magic come to help me with this one tiny bit.
And to be honest, there have been times when my business was slow, and I got all stressed instead of pulling out my magic wand, or going with the flow, or letting the Universe have my back. I’ve worked myself to the bone some late nights with visions of a dark magic-less world beckoning me from the shadows.
And so here I was bawling in the movies realizing I have a choice to remember magic, to remember I don’t know everything, to remember, as Hamlet said, “There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”
And that it’s not only a choice to not be obliviated, it’s a discipline. It’s something I have to DO to counteract the rubber-band reaction of my mind going back to it’s original conditioning (which was fairly atheistic when it came to things like God and magic, and included sentiments like, “life sucks.”)
So today I am newly recommitted to remembering Life is Magic and that I have a choice in how I envision the future. In fact I have an obligation to the future to ensure at least I am projecting magic that way.
And in any case, I can experience magic right now, in the present. In my ability to write about my experiences and hopefully inspire others… in my ability to present my writings to hundreds or even thousands of people throughout the world in an instant and spark a conversation on how all of us collectively can bring magic to bear on all that is happening in our world, our businesses, and our lives. Now that’s magic!
Do you relate to my story? Do you sometimes forget that you have a choice? Are you ready to bring more magic into your business, your life and the world? I want to hear from you! And I want to help you!
I want to know what you relate to in what I just wrote above. Have you let the outside world bring shadow into your mind, sucking out all the magic? What pieces of the intricate puzzle of you have you left behind, hid or pretended away? Are you ready now to bring all of you forward and truly serve your tribe?
I’m developing new offerings in the new year and would love your input. I want to know what you’re up to in the world, about your unique and magical gifts, what you’re bringing forward and what you won’t be silent about. I want to know what is keeping you from your true purpose, what frustrations you are experiencing, and what kind of help you really need. Most of all Iwant to hear about your vision of the future we can all create together.
Will you help me by taking my survey? We’ll help you gain clarity in return!
We have compiled some probing questions that will be valuable as we create our upcoming venture. In exchange for answering, we’d like to offer you an, “All of Me Business Breakthrough Session” with either my partner Wencke Weiss, who is a 7-figure spiritual business and sales coach, or me the Magical Marketer, by answering these questions from the heart.
The private sessions, valued at $500, are designed to help you experience a breakthrough in clarity for your business and your life as we look forward to 2017. We have made 12 spaces open in our calendars, first come first served! We are so grateful for your participation.
Love and Magic,
Julia Stege
the Magical Marketer
PS: Talk about magic, check out the magical transformation I’ve guided our website clients through on our Before and After Designs page. Let me know your favorites!
Julia Stege, the Magical Marketer, helps spiritual business women and conscious entrepreneurs to clarify and express their purpose through marketing that attracts their true Soul Tribe. Her magical realm of talent is branding and creating inspired websites for clients who are as serious about attracting divinely aligned clients online as they are about changing the world. Since 1997, hundreds of clients united in their desire to show up authentically in their marketing have worked with Julia to showcase what makes them special and distinct online. Their Wildly Attractive WebsitesTM serve as magnets that attract leads, clients, and difference-making opportunities from around the world.
You can download a free copy of Julia’s book “Branding from the Heart” HERE.