I work with a lot of geniuses whom nobody understands. You know the type, cutting edge highly creative progressive visionaries out to change the world in a loving way. Is that you?
Let’s see if you can relate to this scenario: You’ve spent most of your creative energy developing your unique gift and offering for the world. It’s complex. You’re uniting various elements: trainings, modalities, ideas, breakthroughs, missions, abilities. Even ONE of these incredible abilities would blow the mind of your average Joe. But you have like a MILLION of these interwoven skills, ideas and solutions. Am I close?
So you try to market yourself online. Everyone says it’s so easy so why not try, right? You start attending all these free webinars and trainings, and since it’s all so overwhelming, you select a program that purports to help you get your marketing together. Maybe you even hire the big gun coach leading the program to get that extra help.
And what you hear is this: “You need to narrow that down, find your niche, make it easy for the average Joe to understand.” Or possibly you hear this: “That’s too woo-woo, you’re too ‘out-there’, you need to water that down so people will ‘get’ it.”
Then you want to tear your hair out because it’s all wrong, so wrong. How could they take your money and then discourage you so badly? Am I right? (Totally has happened to me, by the way, which is how I know about the hair tearing out part.)
Before you go bald with frustration, I want to tell you that you and I are not the only ones this has happened to. I speak with hundreds of out-of-the-box entrepreneurs who struggle with this very issue.
The reason that traditional marketing gurus and coaches tell you to narrow it down and simplify is because:
1) It’s easier to teach that dumbed-down in-the-box kind of strategy, and 2) they assume you need to attract the average Joe and that therefore you should tailor your marketing to them. But I’m here to tell you, Joe is not your perfect customer. SO FAR FROM IT! And you don’t need to dumb it down.
Your people are smart! Your Soul Tribe, the people seeking you right now, would not respond to that watered down stuff! They would say, “What is this tepid soup?” And then they’d bounce right off your site, email or post.
You’re people are seeking something WAY out of the box, a new paradigm that will solve their issue and help them progress on their chosen path.
The challenge is not only to attract them, but also to ensure they actually RECOGNIZE you when they find you. If you are doing that watered down marketing, you could attract exactly the right people and they simply will bounce off your site thinking they’ve come to the wrong place!
So what can you do? I have 2 solutions to offer you, depending on where you are on your journey.
If you’ve been trying to do it all yourself, I have some great resources you can use now to help you clarify your complex gifts and abilities into a cohesive authentic brand. One is my book “Branding from the Heart: How to Share Your Purpose through Marketing that Attracts Your Tribe and inspires a Revolution.” This book will guide you through the same branding process I use with all my out-of-the-box clients so you can authentically attract your Soul Tribe online. This book comes with a live webinar I’m hosting called Branding Basics for Spiritual Business Women and Conscious Entrepreneurs. These are available at no cost to you in the Get Your Year in Gear Giveaway, where I am featured near the top of the page. Click here to get the book and webinar details and also enter to win a private Branding Breakthrough with me: http://www.jvicgiveaway.com/JuliaStege There are other cool gifts on that page too. Check it out!
If you are ready to step up your brand, upgrade your website, bring your business to a new level, create a movement around your genius offering, and you’re ready to get help so you’re not doing it all yourself, we’d like to meet with you and explore how best to serve your needs. My business partner Wencke Weiss, 7-figure business coach, and I have put aside some time to perform All of Me Business Breakthrough Sessions for our tribe. This private session, valued at $500, is offered free to help you experience a breakthrough in clarity for your business and your life. We simply ask that you take our short survey to help us understand your needs better. We have made just 6 spaces open in our calendars for qualified applicants! TAKE OUR SURVEY HERE
I hope that I’ve helped reduce your frustration with my insights. When you have something so new to offer the world, it’s difficult to find anyone who can guide you, because nobody’s been there yet. Our processes and programs are designed specifically for the highly creative entrepreneur to be fully expressed and successful changing the world. It’s my pleasure to be of service to you.
I’d love to hear from you.
Has this article spurned an idea or awakened a fire in you? Share it in the comments below.
OMG! Its like you are in my office tapping into the frustration I have felt. Business has dropped as the funnel has stopped being filled and the people who are waiting for me to show up can’t find me in the tepid soup as you say. HEYLP!!! hahaha! I am so bummed I missed out on the free business break through session. “how can it get any better than this? What else is possible?” or better!