Are you hiding your website because it doesn’t represent your brilliance or adequately present your unique gifts? Do you shyly admit that you don’t have a “Real” website because you couldn’t find the right Web Designer who could “Get” you? Do you wish you could have a sustainable, fulfilling online marketing funnel that attracts your perfect customers in droves and inspires them to connect with you?

You have a wonderful gift to share with the world: Your unique talents that allow you to help people in that special way that only you can do. You know your perfect customers are seeking you right now, but for some reason your website isn’t attracting them, much less converting them into customers.

There are obvious reasons why your website isn’t working, but it’s difficult for you to see them. The good news is you have the same problems with your website as almost everyone else in your industry, problems that can be easily solved.

Julia D. Stege, MFA The Magical Marketer

Julia D. Stege, MFA The Magical Marketer

 I’m here to help!

Join me, Julia Stege the Magical Marketer  in this complimentary presentation of “5 Reasons Your Website is Not Attracting or Converting Your Perfect Customers” 

Last year I analyzed over 100 websites and spoke with dozens of heart-centered business owners only to discover that the same mistakes being made on each and every site. So now you know you’re not the only one!

In this 90 minute free broadcast.  I will reveal the key issues facing spiritual business women and conscious entrepreneurs attempting to attract their perfect customers online in a way that is authentic and forwards their life mission.

Since becoming a certified Strategic Attraction CoachTM in 2006, I have designed dozens and dozens of brands, websites and social media platforms that are imbued with the power of the Law of Attraction. I know exactly how to help you move from being invisible online to having people call you saying, “I know I want to work with you. You are the only one in the world doing what you do, and it’s exactly what I need!”

The Attraction Plan has transformed my business and the lives of all of my branding and website design customers. With this simple tool, my clients become in tune with their deepest desires in life and business and learn how to express that through their marketing in a way that attracts their tribe and inspires a revolution.

Join me in learning about the “5 Reasons Your Website is Not Attracting or Converting Your Perfect Customers” and move forward on the path to your own Wildly Attractive Website.

In this 90 minute free webinar you will learn

1) What keeps most entrepreneurs from understanding what’s happening on their website
2) How many websites are structured to lose prospective clients in seconds
3) Why so many of your perfect customers are confused about what you do
4) What makes a site immediately recognizable to your perfect customers
5) What key step many entrepreneurs resist that could make or break the success of their site.

Register below to receive the call information as well as the video replay after the presentation has taken place.

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