Magical Marketing Blog

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New Magical Marketing Website Design Showcase

This is a showcase of the latest website designs created for Magical Marketing clients. Each site was created using a highly intuitive, collaborative process that allows me to discover the core essence of the client's soul purpose and express that through a unique...

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Why You Need More Than Just a Website

A conversation with my potential client the other day went like this. "I need just a basic site," she said. "Something that will attract people to my new program." I was looking at her current site and noticed it was a basic cookie-cutter template site and the text...

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Selling Your Soul (In a Good Way)

The bitter truth is that when you own a business, you need to sell.  If you don’t sell, your business won’t succeed. It’s a fact of capitalism and how our economy works. Most conscious entrepreneurs I know just hate this fact of business. They wish that a steady...

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Are You Afraid to Reveal Your Authentic Self?

We have to dare to be ourselves, however frightening or strange that self may prove to be. ~ May Sarton It happens every time I help someone create an authentic brand. I never know exactly when it will happen or how it will rear its head, but at some point before...

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Holiday Greetings from Magical Marketing

We at Magical Marketing wish you a fulfilling holiday season, and a wildly prosperous new year! Our gift to you is the opportunity to receive a 30 minute Website Analysis and Magical Strategy Session to determine your best next steps for attracting your perfect...

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Marketing: For Love or Money?

Marketing: For Love or Money?

When you think about marketing, if you're like most people, money will dominate your view. It's understandable. Marketing costs money, marketing gets you to spend money, and hopefully marketing will help you earn money. But have you noticed that when you're too...

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How to Attract Clients Fast in 2013

As the days creep stealthily toward 2013, you may be wondering, "How can I attract more perfect customers in the new year?" Maybe for you it seems like things didn't go exactly the way you wanted this year. Perhaps you had all the right intentions but something got in...

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What Is Your Ultimate Niche? It’s Not What You Think

What Is Your Ultimate Niche? It’s Not What You Think

Have you have ever attended a marketing seminar and heard about the importance of discovering your "niche" market? Did you then go about trying to figure out what your niche is and having a hard time about it? Maybe you feel you don't even understand what a niche is?...

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Infusing Your Marketing with the Law of Attraction

A new paradigm for marketing attracts your perfect customers and inspires them to take desired actions. How do we do it? By consciously using the Law of Attraction. Millions of people are talking about the ancient knowledge of the Law of Attraction that has gained...

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Why They’ll Weep Over Your Marketing

Why They’ll Weep Over Your Marketing

It wasn't the first time it had happened this way. Out of the blue someone called me all choked up about my website. She said it to me this way, "I have been searching SO long for someone to help me, someone who could get me. I had gotten to the point where I'd given...

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Back to School Flashback and the Law of Attraction

I remember that old “Back to School” dread I used to get around this time of year when I was a kid. For me, “Back to School” sale advertisements remind me of those early teen years when cool 3-ring binders or a new set of colored markers could only marginally distract...

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